March 27, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.a. Roll Call/Quorum
1.b. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approval of Minutes
2.a. March 13, 2014 Regular Meeting Open and Closed Sessions
3. Recognition
3.a. Public Comments
4. Board Member Reports
4.a. Finance Committee Report
4.b. Review Bid for Summer Work
4.b.1) Roy DeShane Parking Lot
4.c. Review RFP for Performance Contracting
4.d. Board and Finance Committee Meeting Dates for 2014-2015
4.e. Listening Post Hosts for 2014-2015
4.f. Presentation Topics for 2014-2015
4.g. New and Revised Board Policies for 2nd Reading
4.h. Other
5. Reports of the Superintendent
5.a. Bullying Task Force Report
5.b. FOIA Requests
5.c. Other
6. Recommendations of the Superintendent
6.a. Approve the Personnel Report
6.b. Public Hearing Regarding Reduction in Force
6.c. Consent Agenda (All items under this heading are considered routine and are adopted by one motion unless any Board member or the Superintendent requests that one or more be removed from the Consent Agenda. The item/s may then be discussed and voted upon separately.)
6.c.1) Resolution #2014- 2 Tax Abatement Resolution - Debt Service
6.c.2) Resolution #2014-3 Non-Renewal and Honorable Dismissal of Teachers
6.c.3) Resolution #2014-4 Non-Renewal and Honorable Dismissal of Support Staff
6.c.4) Resolution #2014-6 Offering 2nd Year Contracts for 2014-2015
6.c.5) Resolution #2014-7 Offering 3rd Year Contracts for 2014-2015
6.c.6) Resolution #2014-8 Offering 4th Year Contracts for 2014-2015
6.c.7) Resolution #2014-9 Offering Tenure for 2014-2015
6.c.8) Award Bid for Summer Work
6.c.8)a) Roy DeShane Parking Lot
6.c.9) Award RFP for Performance Contracting
6.c.10) Approve Board and Finance Committee Meeting Dates for 2014-2015
6.c.11) Approve New and Revised Board Policies for 2nd Reading
7. Any other items that may normally come before the Board.
8. Closed Session, if necessary
9. Adjourn