May 11, 2020 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Public Comment
Any interested citizen may use not more than three minutes to present any subject that may affect the school district.
3. Superintendent's Report
3.a. SLI
3.b. Reading Academy
3.c. COVID-19
3.d. Budget Planning
3.e. Preliminary Appraised Values
3.f. Employee Insurance
4.a. Board Agenda for June Regular Meeting (Review)
4.b. Facilities Update And Discussion
4.c. Boardbook Premier
4.d. Graduation
4.e. Wee Eagles
5.a. Consent Agenda (Action)
5.a.1) Minutes of Previous Meeting
5.a.2) Board Financial Report - Revenues and Expenditures
5.a.3) Review Policy CDA (Local) - Investment Policy
5.b. Approval of Continuation of CIPA Required Internet Content Filtering
5.c. Consider and Approve the Auditor for the 2020-2021 School Year
5.d. Consider and Approve TEA Waivers
5.d.1) Approve TEA Waiver of the Instructional Materials Inventory requirement due to COVID-19
5.d.2) Approve TEA Waiver for Missed School Day/Instructional Continuity Attestatin While Closed
5.e. Consider and Approve the purchase of 3 used buses
5.f. Consider, Edit and Approve Board Policy FMH(Local)
Under Government Code 551.074 and 551.072 we will now go into Executive Session |
6.a. Employment of Personnel
6.b. Board Goals
6.c. Deliberate Real Property
6.c.1) Consideration and possible action to authorize the sale of the property described below and authorizing the Superintendent to post notice of the District’s intent to sell its fifty percent (50%) undivided interest in such property in accordance with §272.001(a) of the Tex. Loc. Gov’t Code, to receive and open sealed proposals, and to present said proposals to the Board of Trustees for acceptance or rejection.
Property Description: Tract 1 - 75 acres of land out of the Joseph F. Johnson Survey, A-174, located along the west side of CR 401, ± 6.7 miles southeast of Lexington in Lee County, Texas Tract 2 - 445.9 acres of land out of the Joseph F. Johnson Survey, A-174 and the J. Easley Survey, A-9, located along the south side of FM 696 and the east side of CR 406, ± 6 miles east of Lexington in Lee County, Texas |
7.a. Employment of Personnel
7.b. Consider and Approve Real Property Bid Process