April 6, 2021 at 7:00 AM - Buildings & Sites Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Discussion Items
II.A. Lost Time - Overtime Report 3-1 to 3-29
This report captures vacation time taken during spring break, and is heavier on OT then typical reports due to the Saturday, March 6 furniture move in day that everyone worked.
II.B. Spring Break 2021 Work Review
The Facilities Department was busy over spring break. Many of our custodians took some well-deserved vacation time. Custodians that were present worked on targeted detail cleaning, and even refinished an entire classroom floor at Sullivan. The Maintenance staff worked on small painting projects, repaired and reinstalled a stair hand railing at Ike, replaced emergency lights, and performed miscellaneous preventive maintenance and made room furniture adjustments.
Contractor-performed work included the following:
II.C. Discussion of Summer 2021 Work
II.C.1. HVAC Retrofit 2021
Brian conducted a kick off meeting for the team on March 22nd. Emcor, Honeywell, and eCube were present. Contractors are beginning to assemble schedules, engineering paperwork, product submittals, insurance certificates, bonds, etc.
II.C.2. 2021 Roofing Work @ MacArthur Middle School
Bids were received and opened on March 11, 2021. A total of eight (8) bids were received. The apparent base bid low bidder at the time of bid opening was L Marshall Roofing. ARCON fully vetted L Marshall and their understanding of the scope of work, schedule, and project details. Brian Rominski also talked with L Marshall project team and reviewed their scope of work.
We recommend approving the 2021 Roofing Work as presented. Please see attached Board Action Item which will also be included in the April Board meeting agenda.
II.D. Building Graphics Updates
Betsy Ross has been awarded a grant from the PTO to enhance their vestibule area with one-way perforated graphics (much like Sullivan) provided by PK List Marketing. In an effort to maintain some consistency in appearance, Sullivan would like to add round decals to their doors. Proposals and drawings have been attached for review. Purchase orders will be issued upon the Committee's approval.
II.E. ESSERS Discussion
As the District has received additional allocations under the Elementary and Secondary Emergency Education Relief (ESSER) Fund, we work to prioritize and categorize needs based on several criteria.
II.F. District-Wide Furniture Purchases
Following budgetary evaluation, building principals have worked to determine their plans for year-end purchases. Several proposals have been included for the Committee’s review.
II.F.1. BOE Allocated Furniture Expenditures
The approved $50,000 Board allocation for furniture was released at the end of February and building principals to determine their needs for classroom furniture. Final proposals have been included for the Committee’s review. The total cost of these orders is $77,680 and represents the full BOE allocation as well as remaining funds from the various building budgets.
II.F.2. Principal and Main Office Furniture Orders
From time to time, principals have the authority to utilize their building allocations to replace furniture in need of repair or replacement due to age, in accordance with their approved building budgets. The principal offices at MacArthur were updated over winter break and the main office Sullivan is currently under review. The Sullivan principal would like to utilize her remaining principal supply allocation as well as funds from her building furniture line item to replace the furniture in the main office. Proposals have been attached for the Committee's review.
II.F.3. MacArthur Cafeteria Office Furniture
For the past several years, the MacArthur Cafeteria office has been furnished with "classroom cast-offs" that are inefficient and too large for the small workspace. Funds have been identified in the Food Service Equipment line item that will be used to provide new office desk/chairs and storage for the food service staff. The proposal has been attached for the Committee's review.
II.G. PHYBS Eisenhower Field Maintenance Request
Mike Mabry reached out to Brian via email on 3/23/21. PHYBS is planning on minor field maintenance which includes infield edge repairs and new infield dirt. PHYBS has received permission from PHPD to deliver dirt to the PHPD parking lot off Camp MacDonald Road. Administration recommends allowing PHYBS to proceed with these improvements immediately, D23 will coordinate with PHYBS as needed.
III. Old Business
III.A. Approval of Minutes - Buildings & Sites Committee Meeting of March 2, 2021.
Meeting minutes will be emailed in advance of the meeting.
The Building & Sites committee recommends approval of the minutes from the March 2, 2021 meeting as written.
IV. New Business
V. Adjournment