March 3, 2020 at 7:00 AM - Building & Sites Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order
II. Discussion item(s)
II.A. Lost Time / OT Report
Brian Rominski
II.B. Discussion of Summer 2020 Work
Brian Rominski
The two larger projects, 2020 HVAC Retrofit Work and 2020 Pavement Restoration Work, had a combined estimated construction cost (including project allowances) of $845,000.00. After proposals and bids were received, the actual construction cost was $776,922.00. Proposals are still being received for the life safety work. These projects are smaller in nature, administration will continue to provide updates as proposals are received.
II.B.1. 2020 HVAC Retrofit Work @ Ross and Sullivan (all Bard units in both schools)
Brian Rominski
Proposals were received by Honeywell and EMCOR based on construction documents created by ARCON and AMSCO engineering. Scope of work was reviewed and verified with all parties. Costs were also reviewed with both EMCOR and Honeywell, and determined to be consistant with last years work. Administration recommends approving and proceeding with EMCOR ($285,035.00) and Honeywell ($129,887.00) for the 2020 HVAC Retrofit Work.
II.B.2. 2020 Pavement Restoration Work
Brian Rominski
A total of six (6) bids were received on 2/20/20. All bids received were below the estimated construction budget, and very competitive. ARCON has scope reviewed the apparent low bidder, Chicagoland Paving, and have provided a recommendation to proceed with awarding the bid to Chicagoland Paving. Administration agrees. In addition, due to the base bid (and overall summer work) being within the estimated construction budget, Administration also recommends awarding Alternate 2 in the amount of $7,000, scope of work includes minor asphalt patch work just east of Sullivan School. Total bid for Chicagoland Paving is $362,000.00.
II.B.3. MacArthur Stage Floor Refinishing
A proposal was previously approved for Specialty Floors work in the MacArthur Gymnasium. Since approval the MAC VIM department expressed and interest to refinishing the stage floor. Administration received a proposal from Specialty Floors to complete this additional work for the amount of $4,795.00. Since this is an add to a previously Board approved proposal, Administration is requesting approval to proceed. Funding for add will be supported via O&M fund.
II.B.4. ARCON Project Authorization for 2020 HVAC Retrofit and 2020 Pavement Improvement Projects
Attached are the project authorizations for ARCON's A&E fee's for the 2020 work. These authorization fees are in line with the master agreement between ARCON and D23. Each project cost is tied directly to the construction cost for each project.
II.B.5. 2020 Life Safety Work
Proposals are still being received for summer life safety work. These projects are smaller in nature, Administration will continue to provide proposal for your information as they are received. The attached proposals are for your information, and do not require Board approval due the the dollar amount.
II.C. 2020-2023 Landscaping Services Bid - Recommendation for Award
We conducted a pre-bid meeting on January 30th. Seven (7) contractors attended. A total of eleven (11) contractors have received bid documents to date. The bid opening took place on Friday, February 7th. Bids have been evaluated and Gilio Landscaping has been identified as the lowest responsive/responsible vendor. Administration recommends awarding 3 year landscaping contract for base bid and alternate 1 work (weed control) to Gilio Landscaping. Gilio's first year annual total of $25,705.00 represents an annual increase of $1,890.39, when compared to previous contract, while still increasing level of service and expectations.
II.D. PHYBS - Field Renovation Discussion
PHYBS has responded to the District's questions. A summary of their responses as well as arial pictures with proposed modifications have been provided for the Committee's review. A sample contract has also been provided for review, should Buildings and Sites approve the improvements.
II.E. Discussion of Custodial Services
Discussion and status of current solicitation for custodial services and SEIU negotiation process
II.E.1. SEIU Negotiations Update
II.E.2. Custodial Services - Recommendation to Reject all Bids
II.F. Summer Workers 2020
Brian Rominski
SB0001 Minimum Wage Act dictates that as of July 1, 2020 all employees age 18 and over shall receive minimum wage of $10.00 / hour. The hourly rate for summer workers in 2019 was $9.25 / hour. Administration recommends that the Board increase hourly rate to $10.00 / hour for the summer of 2020. Summer worker salaries are budgeted for within the O&M fund. A full breakdown of requested summer worker manpower is attached.
II.G. Discussion of 02/2020 PTO Donations to Schools
At its last general meeting, the PTO voted to support projects at each of the schools. At this point, the garden boxes at Eisenhower and the "GaGa" Ball Pits at Ross are being brought to discussion by Buildings and Sites. We will discuss the other projects at MacArthur and Sullivan, sharing details as they become available.
III. Old business -- Item(s) discussed at previous Building & Sites committee meeting(s)
III.A. Approval of 02.04.2020 Meeting Minutes
IV. New business -- Item(s) to be discussed at future Building & Sites committee meeting(s)
V. Adjournment
VI. Discussion item(s)