Agenda |
1. Call to Order, Roll Call, and Pledge of Allegiance
The Board of Education of the Olympia CUSD #16 was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Kevin Frazier with the following board members and administrators present: Kevin Frazier _____; Carolyn Hansen _____; Trena Glenn _____; Steve Matter ______; Doug Maris _____; Shawn Hohulin _____; Lynn Cross _____; Superintendent Dr. Andrew S. Wise _____; Assistant Superintendent Dr. Joshua R. Olsen _____; OHS Principal Dr. Ed Jodlowski _____; OMS Principal Andy Walsh _____; ONE Principal Ben Lee _____; OSE Principal Stacey Rogers _____; OWE Principal Lisa Castleman _____.
Absent: ___________________________________________________________ Others Present: _____________________________________________________ The Pledge of Allegiance was led by _____________________________________. |
2. Recognition of Visitors
3. Approval of Consent Agenda
A motion was made by _____________________, seconded by _________________ to approve the consent agenda that includes:
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. |
3.A. Approve Agenda
3.B. Approve Minutes, including Executive Session Minutes, from the March 13, 2018 regular scheduled Board of Education Meeting (Attachment)
3.C. Approve Minutes from the March 20, 2018 special-called annual Financial/Student Achievement Workshop (Attachment)
3.D. Approve Bills and Financial Reports (Attachment)
3.E. Confirm the following resignations:
3.E.1. Lisa Shutt - Custodian at Olympia South Elementary effective April 4, 2018 (Attachment)
3.E.2. Hannah Smith - OMS Assistant Softball Coach effective March 25, 2018 (Attachment)
3.E.3. Kelly Nehls - OHS Assistant Speech Coach effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year (Attachment)
3.F. Approve the Intent to Retire of Scott Powers, Technology Director, effective at the end of the 2021-2022 school year (Attachment)
3.G. Approve the employment of the following Licensed Teachers effective for the 2018-2019 school year:
3.G.1. Alyx Kennedy - OMS Social Studies Teacher (Attachment)
3.G.2. Cheri Crebo - OMS Special Education Teacher (Attachment)
3.G.3. Matt Modrusic - OHS Social Studies Teacher (Attachment)
3.H. Approve an overnight trip for the OHS Boys' Basketball players to attend the MDS Shootout at Monmouth College on June 9 & 10, 2018 (Attachment)
3.I. Approve an overnight trip for the OHS Wrestling Team to attend the Malecek Team Wrestling Camp at the Wisconsin Dells, June 25-28, 2018 (Attachment)
3.J. Approve the annual renewal of IESA membership effective for the 2018-2019 school year (Attachment)
4. Recognitions
4.A. Keaton Fogler, Austin Weaver, Lane Miller, Wesly Litwiller & Coach Pete Cleary - OHS State Wrestlers
5. Committee Reports
6. Administrative Reports
6.A. Assistant Superintendent's Report - Dr. Joshua R. Olsen (Attachment)
6.A.1. Solar Update
6.A.2. Summer Projects (Attachment) (Motion)
6.A.3. Support Staff Reductions in Force (Attachment) (Motion)
6.A.4. Nickel Lease Information
6.A.5. New Website & App Launch Update (Attachment)
6.B. Building Principals' Reports (Attachment)
6.C. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Andrew S. Wise
6.C.1. District Dashboard (On Table)
6.C.2. Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti Visit
6.C.3. Resolution of Intent (Attachment) (Motion)
6.C.4. Abatement of Working Cash Funds for Education, O & M, and Transportation Funds (Attachment) (Motion)
6.C.5. FY18 Amended Budget Summary (Attachment)
6.C.6. Non-Resident Student - Tuition Waiver (Attachment)
6.C.7. 2018-2019 Board of Education Meeting Dates/Times (Attachment) (Motion)
6.C.8. 2018-2019 Instructional Materials & Other Fees Schedules - DRAFT (Attachment)
6.C.9. End-of-Year Events/Dates (Attachment)
6.C.10. SAM Coaching Positions
6.C.11. IASB Resolutions for 2018 Delegate Assembly (Attachment)
7. Communications
7.A. A Communications Folder will circulate around the table.
7.B. David Pistorius - First Midstate
8. Other Business
9. Action Items
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by_______________, to approve the 2018-2019 Board of Education Meeting Dates/Times as presented by Superintendent Dr. Andrew Wise.
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Resolution declaring the intention to issue bonds of the District for the purpose of increasing the Working Cash Fund of the District. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Resolution for Abatement of Working Cash Funds to Education, O & M, and Transportation Funds. A motion was made by __________, seconded by __________, to approve the 2018 Summer Projects Schedule as recommended by Assistant Superintendent Dr. Josh Olsen. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve the Support Staff Reductions-in-Force list as recommended by Assistant Superintendent Dr. Josh Olsen. Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. |
10. Opportunity for Public Input
Anyone who wishes to address the Board of Education must contact the Superintendent at 309-379-6011, ext. 1128, two business days prior to the meeting. Anyone addressing the Board of Education who requires special accommodations may contact the Superintendent's Secretary at 309-379-6011, ext. 1128, two days prior to the meeting.
11. Executive Session
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to meet in Executive Session at __________ p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity, and/or litigation; and to discuss litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probably or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding must be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting.
Ayes __________ Nays __________ A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to reconvene open session at __________ p.m. Ayes __________ Nays __________ |
12. Actions As A Result Of Executive Session
A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve
Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to approve Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. A motion was made by _______________, seconded by _______________, to Discussion. Vote: Frazier _____; Hansen _____; Glenn _____; Matter _____; Maris _____; Hohulin _____; Cross _____. |
13. Adjournment
At ________ p.m. a motion was made by ______________________, seconded by _____________________ to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried by unanimous vote.