October 11, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Recognize Visitors
2. Review Fund Balances
3. Motion to place the following items on the Consent Agenda:
3.1. Approve the Minutes of the September 13, 2010 Regular Board Meeting
3.2. Approve the Minutes of the September 13, 2010 Executive Session
3.3. Approve the Minutes of the September 13, 2010 Policy and Finance Committee Meeting
3.4. Approve the October Bills
3.5. Approve the October Bill List Addendum
3.6. Approve Building Use Request
3.7. Approve the FMLA Leave Request for Lisa Taffe - Library Media Specialist
3.8. Motion to Approve Consent Agenda
4. Action on a resolution to approve an inter-fund loan from the Working Cash Fund to the Capital Projects Fund, (Public Act 96-1277).
5. Motion to Hire Certified Teachers: Amber Nikolausyk and Melissa Simms
6. Motion to Hire Program Aide Ashleigh Lanzone
7. Approve Revised Board Policy 5:330 - Educational Support Personnel - Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves of Absence
8. Approve School Board Policy changes, additions and deletions:
8.1. 2:20 - Powers and Duties of the School Board
8.2. 2:80 - Board Member Oath and Conduct
8.3. 2:100 - Board Member Conflict of Interest
8.4. 2:110 - Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers
8.5. 3:40 - Superintendent
8.6. 4:50 - Payment Procedures
8.7. 4:110 - Transportation
8.8. 4:160 - Environmental Quality of Buildings and Grounds
8.9. 5:100 - Staff Development Program
8.10. 5:190 - Teacher Qualifications
8.11. 5:280 - Educational Support Personnel - Duties and Qualifications
8.12. 5:290 - Educational Support Personnel - Employment Terminations and Suspensions
8.13. 6:20 - School Year and Calendar Day
8.14. 6:50 - School Wellness
8.15. 6:60 - Curriculum Content
8.16. 7:180 - Preventing Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment
8.17. 7:190 - Student Discipline
8.18. 7:20 - Harassment of Students Prohibited
9. Approve the FY10 District Audit
10. Building Committee Update
11. SEL Presentation:
12. Reports by Strategic Action Planning Committees (SPAC): Mr. Anderson, Ms. Elser, Mrs. Shelton
12.1. SPAC Report - Curriculum and Technology:
12.2. SPAC Report - Environment:
12.3. SPAC Report - Community and Communication:
13. Update on Technology
13.1. 1-1 Computer Purchase
13.2. I-Pads
14. BEST Committee Update
15. Set Meeting Dates and Times:
15.1. Building Committee Meeting: November 2, 2010 6:30 in the District Board Room
15.2. Policy and Finance Committee Meeting: November 8, 2010 @ 6:30 in the District Board Room
15.3. Environment Committee Meeting: November 8, 2010 @ 5:30 in the District Board Room
15.4. Communication and Community Meeting: October 20, 2010 @ 6:30 in the Joseph Arthur M.S. Library
15.5. Curriculum and Technology Committee Meeting: October 18, 2010 @ 5:30 in the Joseph Arthur M. S. Library
16. Reports: Student Enrollment, Nurses Report, SWIS, Student Assistance Program (SAP), School Improvement Meeting, Library.
17. Newsletters: Board and Administrator, Hodges and Loizzi, Alliance Legislative Report, School Newsletters
18. FOI Requests:
19. Miscellaneous:
19.1. Tax Appeals:
20. Executive Session to discuss property acquisition, personnel, Collective Bargaining, employment, evaluation, or dismissal of employees.
20.1. Review Executive Session Minutes for Possible Release
21. Motion to Approve the Release of Allowable Executive Session Minutes
22. Adjournment