May 8, 2023 at 9:00 AM - Special Meeting - Board Orientation
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Welcome to the Board of Education
4. Role of Board Policy
4.A. 2:10 - School District Governance
4.B. 2:20 - Powers and Duties of the School Board
4.C. 2:80 E - Board Member Code of Conduct
4.D. 2:120 - Board Member Development
4.E. 2:135 - Board Governance Framework
4.F. 2:140 - Communications to and from the Board
4.G. 2:160 - Board Attorney
4.H. 2:200 - Types of School Board Meetings
4.I. 2:220 - School Board Meeting Procedure
4.J. 2:230 - Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board
4.K. 2:240 - Board Policy Development
4.L. 2:250 - Access to District Public Records
5. Board Goal(s) Development
6. Board/Superintendent Relationship
6.A. 3:40 - Superintendent
6.A.1. Superintendent Job Description
6.A.2. Superintendent Evaluation
6.B. 2:130 - Board-Superintendent Relationship
6.C. 3:30 - Chain of Command/Organization Chart
7. School Finance
7.A. 4:10 - Fiscal and Business Management (Budget)
7.A.1. Revenue/Expenditures
7.B. 4:80 - Accounting and Audits
7.B.1. Accountability
8. Instructional Program
8.A. 6:10 - Educational Philosophy and Objectives
8.A.1. Education Programs (Summit, Accelerated, On Grade Level, RtI)
8.A.2. Role of Curriculum Coaches
8.B. 6:120 - Education of Children with Disabilities
8.B.1. Role of Special Education Coordinators
8.C. 6:65 - Student Social and Emotional Development
8.D. 7:250 - Student Support Services
9. Personnel
9.A. 1:20 - District Organization, Operations and Cooperative Agreements (FSPD and D843)
9.B. Enrollments
9.C. Staffing
9.D. Collective Bargaining Agreement 2022-2026
10. Safety and Security
10.A. 4:170 - Safety
11. School Community Relations
11.A. 8:10 - Connection with the Community
11.B. 8:90 - Parent Organizations and Booster Clubs
12. Adjournment