December 12, 2016 at 6:15 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Establish Quorum.
2. Invocation / Pledge.
3. Audience Participation.
4. Steve Davis of Morgan, Davis and Company will present the 2015-2016 Audit.
5. Superintendent Report.
5.A. Student / Staff Recognition.
5.A.1. GMS Leadership Class.
5.B. Financial Report.
5.B.1. GISD -
5.B.2. GCSEC SSA -
5.B.3. Quarterly Investment Report.
5.C. Communications.
5.C.1. Enrollment Update.
5.C.2. Upcoming Events / Meetings.
5.C.2.a. January 17th, Dinner @ 6:00pm, Meeting @ 6:30pm
5.C.2.b. January 23rd, Fall Athletic Banquet, 6:00pm
5.C.2.c. February 21st, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ High School
5.C.2.d. March 9th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm
5.C.2.e. April 13th, GIFT Reception, 6:30pm
5.C.2.f. April 18th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm @ High School
5.C.2.g. May 8th, Academic Banquet, 6:00pm
5.C.2.h. May 11th, FFA Banquet, 7:00pm
5.C.2.i. May 15th, Spring Athletic Banquet, 6:00pm
5.C.2.j. May 18th, Board Meeting, 6:00pm
5.C.2.k. May 26th, Graduation
6. Board Member Report.
6.A. Report on Board Training Hours.
6.B. TASA/TASB Legislative Conference-February 21, 2017
6.C. Debrief November 29th Board Training.
6.D. Review Priorities and Goals.
7. Consent Agenda Items.
7.A. Minutes from previous meeting(s).
7.B. Previous Month Bills.
7.C. Amendments.
7.D. Donation for Band.
8. The Board will Consider, Discuss, and/or take Appropriate Action regarding the following:
8.A. Approve 2015-2016 Audit presented by Steve Davis.
8.B. Review / Approve Legislative Priorities Resolution.
8.C. Review / Approve Small School Funding Resolution.
8.D. Review / Approve Adoption of Local Innovation Plan in order to obtain District of Innovation Status.
8.E. Review / Approve the Region 11 TETPC Co-op Inter-local Agreement.
8.F. Review / Approve that UT Tyler Innovation Academy Charter School is not expected to impact Gunter ISD.
8.G. Recess into Closed Session in Compliance with Section 551.001, et.Seq.Texas Government Code, to wit:
8.G.1. Section 551.074. Discussing Personnel.
8.G.1.a. Superintendent Summative Evaluation and Contract Consideration.
8.H. Action, if any, on items Discussed in Closed Session.
9. Adjournment.