February 17, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order / Establish a Quorum.
2. Invocation / Pledge.
3. Audience Participation.
4. Superintendent Report.
4.A. Superintendent Honor Roll.
4.A.1. Elementary School.
4.A.2. Middle School.
4.A.3. High School.
4.B. Champion Awards.
4.B.1. Elementary School - Jackie Mahana
4.B.2. Middle School - Jennie Bullard
4.B.3. High School - Sarah Long
4.B.4. District - Stacy Watson
4.C. Enrollment/Attendance Update.
4.D. Financial Report.
4.D.1. Bond Refinancing - Brian Grubbs.
4.D.2. Legislative Initiatives.
4.D.2.a. 300 Square Mile Penalty
4.D.2.b. Fractional Funding.
4.D.3. Revenue Update.
4.D.4. Facilities Update.
4.D.5. GISD
4.D.6. GCSEC
4.E. Communications.
4.E.1. Upcoming Events / Meetings.
4.E.1.a. Thursday, March 19th, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
4.E.1.b. Saturday, March 21st., FFA Auction 5:00pm and Dinner 6:00pm
4.E.1.c. Monday, April 20th, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm @ HS
4.E.1.d. Monday, April 27th, FFA Banquet, 6:15pm
4.E.1.e. Thursday, April 30th, GIFT Reception, 6:30pm
4.E.1.f. Monday, May 4th, Academic Banquet, 6:00pm
4.E.1.g. Monday, May 18th, Spring Athletic Banquet, 6:00pm
4.E.1.h. Tuesday, May 19th, Regular Meeting, 6:00pm
4.E.1.i. Wednesday, May 27th, HS Awards, 8:15am
4.E.1.j. Sunday, May 31st, Baccalaureate, 6:30pm @ First Baptist Church
4.E.1.k. Tuesday, June 2nd, ES & MS Awards
4.E.1.l. Friday, June 5th, Graduation, 7:30pm Slideshow - 8:00pm Ceremony
4.E.1.m. Monday, June 15th, Regular Board Meeting, 6:00pm
4.E.1.n. June - Board Budget Workshop
4.E.2. Staff Wellness Initiative: Go Red for Women with American Heart Association.
5. Board Member Report.
5.A. Election Update.
5.B. 2015 Legislative Conference.
5.C. Gunter Community Group Summary.
6. Consent Agenda Items.
6.A. Minutes from previous meeting(s).
6.B. Previous month bills.
6.C. Amendments - None
7. The Board will Consider, Discuss, and/or take Appropriate Action Regarding the following:
7.A. Review potential bond refunding and Adopt an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Refunding Bonds, Establishing the Parameters for the Refunding and Delegating Authority to the Administration.
7.B. Phone System.
7.C. Facility Usage and Rental.
7.D. Call May 9, 2015 School Board Trustee Election.
7.E. Review/Revise Substitute Pay.
7.F. Joint Resolution Against Open-Enrollment Charter School, AIM to Learn.
7.G. Texas Can Academies.
7.H. Policy Update 101, affecting (LOCAL) policies - see listing below.
7.H.1. BE (LOCAL) Board Meetings, CH (LOCAL) Purchasing and Acquisition, DGBA (LOCAL) Personnel- Management Relations/Employee Complaint Grievances, EB (LOCAL) School Year, FFA (LOCAL) Student Welfare/Wellness and Health Services, FFG (LOCAL) Student Welfare/Child Abuse and Neglect. FMG (LOCAL) Student Activities/Travel, FNG Student Rights and Responsibilities/Student Parent Complaints/Grievances, GF (LOCAL) Public Complaints
7.I. Recess into Closed Session in compliance with Section 551.001. et. seq. Texas Government Code, to wit::
7.I.1. Section 551.074. To Discuss Personnel.
7.I.1.a. Grayson County Special Education SSA Director Evaluation and Contract.
7.I.1.b. Resignations / New Hires.
8. Adjournment.