August 14, 2012 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Pledge and Invocation.
3. Audience Participation.
4. Superintendent Report.
4.A. Financial Report.
4.B. Projected Enrollment.
4.C. Communications.
4.C.1. Convocation - August 20th, 8:30 to 10:00 - Breakfast @ 8:00am
4.C.2. Board Meeting - September 17th
5. Board Member Report.
6. Unfinished Business.
7. Action Items.
7.A. Routine Business.
7.A.1. Consent Agenda - Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s).
7.A.2. Consent Agenda - Approval of current bills.
7.A.3. Consent Agenda - Approval of budget amendments.
7.B. Regular Business.
7.B.1. Approve GCSEC Budget 2012-2013.
7.B.2. Approve GISD Budget for 2012-2013.
7.B.3. Approve Tax Rate for 2012-2013.
7.B.4. Review and Approve to endorse Kate Whitfield to represent Region 10 school districts in Position D as a Texas Association of School Boards Director.
7.B.5. Review and Approve 2012-2013 Student Handbook.
7.B.6. Review and Approve 2012-2013 Student Code of Conduct.
7.B.7. Review and Approve 2012-2013 Teacher Salary Schedule.
8. "Closed Session"
8.A. 551.071 Private consultation with the Board's attorney when the Board seeks the advice of its attorney about; (1) pending or contemplated litigation; (2) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter.
8.A.1. Consultation with Board's attorney regarding procedures for Level III appeal hearing filed by Ms. Connie Berggren pursuant to Board Policies FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL).
8.B. Conduct Level III appeal hearing of Ms. Connie Berggren, pursuant to Board Policies FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL).
8.C. 551.071 Private consultation with the Board's attorney when the Board seeks the advice of its attorney about: (1) pending or contemplated litigation; (2) a settlement offer; or (2) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter.
8.C.1. Consultation with Board's attorney regarding Level III appeal hearing of Ms. Connie Berggren.
8.D. 551.074 Discuss hire recommendation from the Director of Grayson County Special Education Cooperative SSA.
8.D.1. Review recommendation to hire a part-time Diagnostician.
9. "Open Session"
9.A. Consideration and possible action regarding Level III appeal hearing of Ms. Connie Berggren, pursuant to Board Policies FNG (LEGAL) and FNG (LOCAL).
9.B. Action on "D. 1." New Hire Recommendation.
10. Adjournment.