June 18, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Invocation and Pledge.
3. Audience Participation.
4. Special Guests -
4.A. EDC Members to Discuss School Land Donation.
4.B. Von Galligher to present the Concession Stand Plans.
5. Superintendent's Report.
5.A. Financial Report.
5.B. Quarterly Investment Report.
5.C. Review recommended changes to DEC (LOCAL) Leave Policy.
5.D. Discuss Kerfoot Scholarship Fee Change.
5.E. STAAR/TAKS Result Information.
5.F. Communications.
5.F.1. Regular Board Meeting - July 16th.
5.G. Conflict of Interest Forms.
6. Board Member Report.
6.A. Discuss Board Member Training.
7. Unfinished Business.
7.A. Discuss and Act on the follow up from the Superintendent Search Firm.
7.B. Review and Approve the Concession Stand Plans.
8. Action Items.
8.A. Routine Business.
8.A.1. Consent Agenda - Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s).
8.A.2. Consent Agenda - Approval of current bills.
8.A.3. Consent Agenda - Approval of Budget Amendments.
8.B. Regular Business.
8.B.1. Approve Designated Representative for the 2012- 2013 School Lunch Program.
8.B.2. Review and Approve Recommendation to Raise Lunchroom Prices.
8.B.3. Review and Approve Landmark Bank Authorized Account Signer Changes.
8.B.4. Review and Approve First Public LoneStar Authorized Account Signer Changes.
8.B.5. Review and Approve the March 22, 2012 Kerfoot Trust Scholarship Meeting Minutes.
8.B.6. Review and Approve Policy Update 94, affecting (LOCAL) policy FFAF.
8.B.7. Review and Approve Recommendation to Reschedule a Bad Weather Day due to a Testing Date.
8.B.8. Review and Approve TEA Expedited State Waiver.
9. "Executive Session"
9.A. Closed session in accordance with Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.074 and to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officer or employee.
10. "Open Session"
10.A. Action on Personnel Recommendations.
11. Adjournment.