May 21, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order.
2. Invocation and Pledge
3. Audience Participation.
4. Superintendent's Report.
4.A. Financial Report.
4.B. Enrollment Update.
4.C. Update on Bus Purchase.
4.D. Construction Update - Claycomb and Galligher will be at the meeting
4.E. Communications.
4.E.1. Athletic Banquet - May 22nd
4.E.2. High School Awards - May 23rd @ 8:15am
4.E.3. SHR Outing - May 25th
4.E.4. Elem & MS Awards - May 30th @ 8:30am
4.E.5. Graduation - June 1st - Slideshow @ 7:30pm - Ceremony @ 8:00pm - Rusty, Gary and Steve
4.E.6. Board Workshop-Saturday, June 9th, 8:30 am Breakfast, 9:00am Workshop
4.E.7. Board Meeting - June 18th @ 6:00pm
4.F. UIL Thank you.
5. Unfinished Business.
6. Action Items.
6.A. Routine Business.
6.A.1. Consent Agenda - Approval of minutes of previous meeting(s).
6.A.2. Consent Agenda - Approval of current bills.
6.A.3. Consent Agenda - Approval of budget amendments.- None
6.B. Regular Business.
6.B.1. Administer Oath of Office to the unopposed School Board Members.
6.B.2. Reorganize the Board Officers for the 2012-2013 School Year.
6.B.3. Approve being Fiscal Agent for the Grayson County Special Education SSA for 2012-2013 school year.
6.B.4. Approve to join the Grayson County Special Education SSA and the following Co-ops through Region 10 Education Service Center: Title I Part A, Title I Part C, Migrant, Title II Part A, Title III Part A LEP, Carl D. Perkins Co-op, Advanced Academics Local Co-op, Child Nutrition Multi-Regional Co-op for the 2012-2013 school year.
6.B.5. Discuss and Act on the Superintendent Search Firm.
6.B.6. Review and Approve Technology Bid.
6.B.7. Review and Approve Resolution for the Grayson Central Appraisal District to purchase real property and improvements as necessary to establish and operate the appraisal office.
7. "Executive Session"
7.A. Closed Session in accordance with Texas Open Meetings Act, Section 551.074 and to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, duties, discipline, or dismissal of public officer or employee.
7.A.1. Review New Employee Recomendations.
7.A.2. Review Resignations.
7.A.3. Discuss New Superintendent Performance Goals.
8. "Open Session"
8.A. Action on Personnel.
8.A.1. Hire Dr. Jill Siler as the Superintendent of Gunter ISD.
8.A.2. Approve New Hire and Resignation Recommendations.
8.A.3. No Action.
9. Adjournment.