November 13, 2006 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. BoardBook Computer Training.
2. Call to order and invocation.
3. Read and approve minutes from the previous meeting.
4. Audience with individuals or committees making a report or request.
5. Approval for payments of bills.
6. Superintendent's Report.
6.A. Financial Report.
6.B. Construction Update.
6.C. Enrollment Update.
6.D. Discuss combining the School Board Elections with the City.
6.E. Employee Banquet - December 14th.
6.F. Discuss the moving process for new school sites.
7. Unfinished Business.
8. New and Miscellaneous Business.
8.A. Approve General Education Homebound Policy & Procedures.
8.B. Approve Interlocal Agreement for Educational Purchasing Cooperative of North Texas.
8.C. Approve local board policies FDA & GKD.
9. "Executive Session"
9.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 and 551.074.
10. "Open Session"
10.A. Action.
11. Adjournment.