July 16, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - President Peccola
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Forum
4.1. Written Correspondence
4.2. Audience Input
5. Reports/Requests
5.1. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Robert Green
5.2. Financial Report - Mrs. Uta Robison
5.3. Curriculum and Instruction Report – Ms. LaToya Berry-Coleman
5.4. Budget Committee Update – Dr. Dennis Craft
5.5. Freedom of Information Request
5.5.a. 6/15/18 Request from Nathaniel Brown (Weilmuenster & Keck, P.C.) for several items pertaining to employees, job descriptions, job postings and policies. Complied in part 6/28/18.
5.5.b. 7/9/18 Request from Lexi Cortes (BND) for addendum to superintendent's employment contract. Complied 7/10/18.
5.6. Presentation on LED Lighting and Solar Energy Proposals
6. Approval of Minutes
6.1. Approval of June 18, 2018 Board Minutes
7. Approval of Board Bills for July 2018
8. Monthly Financial Statements for June 2018
9. Unfinished Business
9.1. Approval of Board Policy Updates
9.2. Discussion of Superintendent Search
9.3. Discussion of Transportation Fund Levy
10. New Business
10.1. AVC 2018-19 Tentative Budget
10.2. Activity Account for CHS Football
10.3. Recommendation for Laptop Purchase
10.4. Discussion of Title IX
11. Closed Session
12. New Business
12.1. Consider Approving Resolution to Authorize Intervention in Proceedings before the Illinois Property Tax Appeal Board
12.2. Consider Action on the Board's Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Minutes
13. Personnel
13.1. Recommendation for Employment of Summer Evaluation Team
13.2. Certified Employee Resignations
13.3. Non-Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
13.4. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
13.5. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
13.6. Recommendation for Coach
13.7. Non-Certified Employee Resignations
13.8. Certified Employee Resignations
13.9. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
13.10. Recommendation for Band Volunteer
13.11. Motion to Employ Assistant Principal
13.12. Recommendation for Coaches
13.13. Recommendation for Internship
13.14. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
13.15. Recommendation for Activity Sponsors at Collinsville High School (Tabled)
13.16. Certified Employee Recommendation for Employment
13.17. Motion to Post Positions
13.18. Non-Certified Employee Resignation
13.19. Non-Certified Employee Resignations
14. Adjourn