June 18, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Public Hearing and Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order - President Peccola
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Public Forum
4.1. Written Correspondence
4.1.a. Correspondence from Pat Adams
4.2. Audience Input
5. Reports/Requests
5.1. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Robert Green
5.2. Financial Report - Mrs. Uta Robison
5.3. Special Education Report – Mrs. Ali Underwood
5.4. Budget Committee Update – Dr. Dennis Craft
5.5. Freedom of Information Request
5.5.a. 5/30/18 Request from IRTA for retiree information. Complied in part 5/31/18.
6. Approval of Minutes
6.1. Approval of May 21, 2018 Board Minutes
6.2. Approval of May 30, 2018 Board Minutes
7. Approval of Board Bills for June 2018
8. Monthly Financial Statements for May 2018
9. Unfinished Business
9.1. Approval of Amended Budget
10. New Business
10.1. Resolution for Adoption of Prevailing Wage Rates
10.2. Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act 2010: Increases in Lunch Prices
10.3. Approval of Interfund Loan
10.4. Consider Authorizing Interim Expenditure of District Funds Pending Approval of the 2019 Fiscal Budgets
10.5. Appointment of Student School Board Member
10.6. Name Change of Activity Account for CHS Boys Golf Booster Club
10.7. Approval of New Club at Collinsville High School
10.8. Presentation of Board Policy Updates
10.9. Discussion of Loan Request from HOSA
10.10. Discussion of Superintendent Search
11. Closed Session
12. Personnel
12.1. Non-Certified Employee Resignation
12.2. Coach Resignation
12.3. Recommendation for Re-Employment of CNA Instructor
12.4. Certified Employee Recommendations for Employment
12.5. Non-Certified Employee Resignation
12.6. Recommendation for Coaches
12.7. Recommendation for Spring Coaches at Collinsville High School
12.8. Recommendation for Coach
12.9. Non-Certified At-Will Employee Recommendations for Re-Employment
12.10. Consider Action to Honorably Dismiss the Employment of At-Will Employees
12.11. Motion to Post Positions
13. Student Discipline
13.1. Revision to Student Discipline
14. Adjourn