August 20, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Reading of the minutes of the July 16, 2015 meeting.
3. Recognize guests.
4. Audience to Patrons
5. Reports:
5.A. Eagle Pass Project Update
5.B. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB - 68)
5.C. QEP Update
6. Consider and act on financial statement as of July 31, 2015
7. President's Report
8. Consider and act on certified tax rolls subject to properties under protest.
9. Consider and act on placing a proposal to adopt a tax rate of $0.13 per $100 valuation on the agenda of a future meeting as an action item.
10. Consider and act on scheduling two public hearings on the proposed tax rate.
11. Consider and act on Eagle Pass Construction Project change orders
12. The Board will convene in closed session in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code 551.074 to consider: Consider Personnel Matters:
12.A. Employees: Terminated / Resigned / Retired / New Hires / Transfers
13. Reconvene in Open Session to: