March 22, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call public meeting to order
Mr. Fendley
2. Hear public comments from those signing in to address the board concerning an agenda item. Complaints against employees must be handled through the college complaint policy and cannot be heard in public.
Mr. Fendley
3. Approval of minutes.
Mr. Fendley
4. Financial Report for February 28, 2021.
Mr. Helm
5. Consideration and action on State Employee Charitable Contribution Campaign to allow funds to stay local.
Dr. Anglin
6. Consideration and action to extend keeping COVID safety protocols at all campus locations.
Dr. Anglin
7. Consideration and action on Aramark price increase on meals for 2021-2022.
8. Consideration and action on Room and Board Rates for 2021-2022.
Dr. Anglin
9. Consideration and action on changes to course fees for 2021-2022.
Mr. Spradling
10. President's Report:
1.. Legislative Update 2. HEERF Funds 3. Campus Update
Dr. Anglin
11. Announce next meeting on April 26, 2021.
Mr. Fendley
12. The Board of Regents, in accordance with Section 551.07 et.seq. of Texas Government Code, will move into Executive Session under the following provision(s) of the Act.
A. Section 551.072 - Deliberation of real property -College land on Southeast Loop 286 B. Section 551.074- Personnel Matters 1. Extension of faculty contracts 2. New hires, resignations and retirements 3. Stipends for employees for job modifications due to the COVID pandemic 4. Board Evaluation
Mr. Fendley
13. Action on renewals of faculty contracts
Mr. Fendley
14. Action on employment transactions including new hire and retirements.
Mr. Fendley
15. Action on payment of one-time non-recurring stipends from HEERF funds to college employees
Mr. Fendley