July 28, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to order
II. Establishment of quorum
III. Hearing of visitors
IV. Special recognition
IV.a. 2019-2020 recipients of the "Multi-Measure Evaluation Pilot Summary Stipend"
Presenter: Dr. John Jenkins, Transformation Waco Executive Director of Talent Development |
V. Reports and discussion
V.a. Financial update
Presenter: Sheryl Davis, Waco ISD Assistant Superintendent for Finance and Operations
V.b. Transformation Zone Implementation grant update
Report only
V.c. Return to school update
Presenter: Dr. Robin McDurham, Transformation Waco Chief Executive Officer
V.d. Discussion and possible action on board membership and bylaws
V.e. TW Family Engagement Subcommittee update
VI. Consent agenda: consider and take appropriate action
VI.a. Telehealth stipend
VI.b. Budget amendments
VI.b.1. Brook Avenue Elementary budget amendment
VI.b.2. G.W. Carver Middle budget amendments
VI.c. Transformation Waco Board of Trustees meeting minutes
September 2019 - February 2020
VII. Requests for future agenda items
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjournment