August 19, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Omaha Public Schools Board of Education and Educational Service Unit 19 Board Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A. OPS Board Of Education Information
Notice to visitors: If you wish to speak, please obtain a “Request to be Heard” form from the entry table and return the completed form to the table attendant or the Board of Education Director. The agenda will be kept current and available for public inspection in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Education at the Administrative Building during regular working hours. |
B. Call to Order
C. Pledge of Allegiance
D. OPS Vision and Mission Statement
The Vision: Every Student. Every Day. Prepared for Success.
The Mission: To prepare all students for success in college, career, and life. |
E. Roll Call
E.1. Excused/Unexcused Absence
F. Board and Superintendent Communications
F.1. Superintendent
F.2. Board Members
G. Public Comment and Recognition
H. Consent Agenda
At this time, any Board member may request that any item in the consent agenda be removed from the consent agenda and be considered and voted on separately.
H.1. Reading of Minutes
H.1.a. Monday, August 5, 2024 - Regular Meeting
H.2. Acceptance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion for Adams Elementary School: Capital Improvements & Renovation Project – 2018 Bond Program
Pursuant to Policy 7003,F.4., Administration and Jacobs, in keeping with long-standing practice, the Substantial Completion for the Adams Elementary School lighting and ceiling upgrade is being submitted to the Board of Education for acceptance.
Contractor Project Completion Date The Weitz Company Adams Elementary School: July 22, 2024 Capital Improvements & Renovation Project - GMP Amendment No. 005 The completion date, as listed above, is the commencement date of the one-year warranty period and is required by the contract documents. This agreed-upon contractual date will provide continuity in the warranties’ start dates and considers that the Owner had beneficial use and occupancy of the facility.
H.3. Appointment of Spencer Head and Shavonna Holman to the Nebraska Association of School Board's (NASB) Board of Directors
The President and Vice President recommend to the Board of Education the re-appointment of Shavonna Holman and appointment of Spencer Head to the Nebraska Association of School Board's (NASB) Board of Directors. Their terms are from December 2024 through December 2028.
H.4. Approval of an Agreement with Carnegie Learning for the Use of One Program, Zhen Bàng Chinese Level 1 and Professional Development Services for the 2024-2025 School Year ($36,257.12)
Rationale: Fund 1: General
Program: 1100, Regular Instruction Dept: 7193010, Secondary Education Admin Vendor: Carnegie Learning Policies: 6121, 7000 V.A. Amount: $36,257.12 Administration recommends approval of the agreement between Omaha Public Schools and Carnegie Learning to purchase additional licenses for Zhen Bàng Chinese Level 1, and Professional Development services from September 1, 2024, to August 31, 2025. Carnegie Learning Zhen Bàng Chinese Level 1 is a physical textbook and a digital application for virtual and in-person Chinese language teaching and assessment for use in secondary schools and programs. This curriculum was approved by the Board of Education on May 16, 2022, as part of the World Languages Adoption. In keeping with the bid exceptions contained within Policy 7000, V., A. (Academic Prerogative), no bid was required for this purchase. The cost of the purchase is $36,257.12.
H.5. Approval of Amendment to the Benson High School Medical Clinic and Entry Addition Architect’s Agreement Between Holland Basham Architects, Inc. and Omaha Public Schools
Administration recommends approval of the attached Amendment of the Benson High School Medical Clinic and Entry Addition Architect’s Agreement Between Holland Basham Architects, Inc. and Omaha Public Schools, dated August 2, 2024. The Board approved the assignment of the Architect Agreement between Holland Basham Architects, Inc. and the District on March 20, 2023. The original agreement provided for a fee of 8% of the cost of the work, or approximately $502,000.00. The work cost has exceeded the original estimate, increasing the amount owed to Holland Basham Architects, Inc. for services. Holland Basham Architects, Inc. has agreed to amend the original contract to a flat fee of $537,612.00.
H.6. Approval of Amendment to Contract with First Wireless for Two-Way Digital Radios, Supporting Equipment, Service and Installation ($91,845.00)
FUND: 1 and 175 General Fund reimbursed by COVID-19 ESSER Funds PROGRAM: 2150 School Safety
DEPT. ID: 7105700 School Safety SUPPLIER: First Wireless, Inc. PROJECT: 499293 Digital Communications POLICY: 7000 AMOUNT: $91,845.00 Administration recommends approval of the attached amendment to the First Wireless agreement. The District awarded RFP P003-24 for Two-Way Digital Radios, Supporting Equipment, Service and Installation to First Wireless and the Board of Education approved the agreement on March 4, 2024, in the amount of $6,550,871.00. The Board adopted a Change Order on July 15, 2024, in the amount of $79,575.00 for the purchase of 60 additional radios and for programming of the radios which the District had originally intended to complete internally. The attached amendment clarifies the cost of the two items in the Change Order that was previously approved to reflect an updated (lower) actual cost for the 60 additional radios in the amount of $23,100.00 and the programming fee in the amount of $49,995.00, a savings of $6,480.00. The amendment also includes an additional charge of $18,750.00 for configuration and programming to allow all radios to receive communication on a designated channel and program additional channels on identified district level digital radios. With the amendment, the total cost of the agreement comes to $6,642,716.00, an increase from the original agreement in the amount of $91,845.00.
H.7. Approval of the Attached Agreement with Verdis Group, LLC. Exercising a Third One-Year Option from August 2024 through July 2025 ($24,900.00)
FUND: 1 General
PROGRAM: 2510 Business Support Services DEPT.ID: 7166700 Environmental/Safety SUPPLIER: Verdis Group, LLC. POLICY: 7000, V. D. AMOUNT: $24,900.00 Administration recommends the approval of the attached agreement exercising the third option year of the contract with Verdis Group, LLC., which was approved by the Board of Education on August 16, 2021, in the amount of $24,900.00. The second option year was approved by the Board of Education on September 8, 2022, and the third option year was approved on August 21, 2023. During this option year, Verdis’ reduced services will include services to support data collection for energy usage, the development of a new enhanced dashboard showing energy usage by school, and assistance with the Energy Star application process in support of the Environmental Sustainability Plan for Omaha Public Schools. The total cost of this one-year option is $24,900.00.
H.8. Approval to Award Bid No. 24-062 to Ty’s Outdoor Power and AKRS Equipment Solutions for Brand New Battery-Powered Small Engine Equipment (Total: $63,649.35)
FUND: 4070 Depreciation Reserve Fund
PROGRAM: 2510 Business Support Services DEPT: 7062100 Accounting & Finance SUPPLIER: Ty’s Outdoor Power ($34,999.95) SUPPLIER: AKRS Equipment Solutions ($28,649.40) POLICY: 7000, Article VII, Section III D AMOUNT: $63,649.35 Administration recommends the award of Bid No. 24-062 to Ty’s Outdoor Power in the amount of $34,999.95 for the brand-new battery-powered lawn tractors, brand-new battery-powered two-stage snow blowers, brand-new battery-powered single-stage snow blowers, and brand-new battery-powered string trimmers. The brand new battery-powered lawn tractors will be assigned to Minne Lusa Elementary, Distribution Center, Gifford Park Elementary, & Transportation Services. The brand-new battery-powered two-stage snow blowers will be assigned to Castelar Elementary, Distribution Center, Jackson Elementary, Field Club Elementary & Transportation Services Inventory. The brand-new battery-powered single-stage snow blowers will be assigned to the US Mills Building, Teacher Administrative Center, Morton Middle School, Distribution Center & Transportation Services Inventory. The new battery powered string trimmers will be assigned to Morton Middle School, Wakonda Elementary, US Mills Building & Transportation Services Inventory. Administration recommends approval to award the remaining items from Bid No. 24-062 to AKRS Equipment Solutions in the amount of $28,649.40 for the purchase of brand new battery-powered zero-turn tractor, which will be assigned to Forest Station Elementary and Transportation Services Inventory; brand new battery-powered handheld blowers which will be assigned to Northwest High School, Burke High School, Bryan High School, Wakonda Elementary & Transportation Services; and brand new battery-powered backpack blowers which will be assigned to Castelar Elementary, Distribution Center, Jackson Elementary, Field Club Elementary & Transportation Services. Both suppliers met bid specifications. This purchase supports the District's Environmental Sustainability Plan’s goal of reducing overall emissions and energy use. Bid specifications will hold the pricing for any additional battery-powered small engine equipment purchase for 90 days, pending Board of Education approval. The total cost for the brand-new battery-powered small engine equipment is $63,649.35.
H.9. Approval to Award Bid No. 24-065 to KONE Elevator, Inc. for Elevator Services through August 31, 2027 ($556,586.52)
FUND: 01 General Fund
PROGRAM: 2620 Discretionary DEPARTMENT: 7166500 Maintenance SUPPLIER: KONE Elevator, Inc. POLICY: 7000 IV. C. AMOUNT: $556,586.52 Administration recommends the award of Bid No. 24-065 to KONE Elevator, Inc. for ongoing repair services and annual inspections of all 92 District elevators and 37 passenger lifts. The term of the contract will be for an initial one-year term with automatic renewals for up to two additional terms of one year each, unless the District decides not to renew the term. Kone Elevator, Inc. was the low bidder. During the period of the contract, KONE Elevator, Inc. will provide repair services, annual equipment inspections, and respond to statutory compliance directives from the Nebraska State Fire Marshalls Office - Elevator Division for all District elevators and lifts. The estimated cost of this contract based on past spending for the full 3 years is $556,586.52. Bids received were:
For complete bid documentation, contact
H.10. Approval to Award Bid No. 24-070 Drug/Alcohol Testing and Employee Physical Examinations to Medical Enterprises, Inc. for the 2024-2025, 2025-2026, and 2026-2027 School Years (Projected Three-Year Total: $132,750.00)
FUND:1 General Fund
PROGRAM: 2750 - Student Transportation - Regular (1%) PROGRAM: 2760 - Transportation - SPED School Age (72%) PROGRAM: 3102 - Early Childhood SPED Trans (27%) DEPT: 7162800 Transportation SUPPLIER: Medical Enterprises, Inc. POLICY: 7000, Article VII, Section III D AMOUNT: Projected cost $43,900.00 Administration recommends approval to award Bid No. 24-070 to Medical Enterprises, Inc. for Drug/Alcohol Testing and Employee Physical Examinations for one (1) year with the option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year terms. Supplier will provide physical examinations for pre-employment and current employees and random drug and alcohol testing services. Four suppliers submitted proposals. NAO Medical is noncompliant because the vendor did not use the proposal form required by the district to submit the requested information. The total cost over the next year for drug and alcohol testing is based on a projected 350 employees; and a projected 350 employees for physical examinations. *Note: Saliva Testing is used when other methods of drug testing are not possible. Since it is administered very rarely, it is not included in the annual cost computation. Replacement cost for the original physical form and the original examiners certificate are charged directly to employees. The projected total cost over the next year for drug and alcohol testing and employee physical examination services is $43,900.00. The projected cost for drug and alcohol testing and employee physical examination services in years 2025-2026 would be $44,250.00, and the projected cost of drug and alcohol testing and employee physical examination services for 2026-2027 would be $44,600.00. The three-year total is $132,750.00.
H.11. Approval to Award Proposal No. P020-24 to Stanbury Uniforms, LLC., for Band Uniforms at Burke High School for the 2024-2025 School Year ($67,900.00)
FUND: 1 General Fund
DEPT: 3611136 Burke HS Music Dept PROGRAM: 1100 Regular Instruction SUPPLIER: Stanbury Uniforms, LLC. POLICY: 7000. III. D. AMOUNT: $67,900.00 Administration recommends approval to award Proposal No. P020-24 to Stanbury Uniforms, LLC., for band uniforms for Burke High School for the amount of $67,900. This proposal includes the design and purchase of a uniform jacket, bib, leg cape, visor, visor wrap, and visor plumes for 125 students. The uniforms will be used by students for competitions and community events. The District received four (4) proposals. The DeMoulin Brothers & Company and Fred J Miller proposals are non-compliant because the design did not provide a uniform that was able to be altered, which was required per the bid document. ![]()
H.12. Approval of Change Order No. 004 for Bid 23-046 OPS Multiple Sites HVAC Controls Modernization – Add $262,898.00 Revised Total: $8,228,637.00
FUND: 1 & 175 General Fund reimbursed by COVID Federal Grants
PROGRAM: 2620 Maintenance School/District Buildings DEPT. ID: 7166600 Schoolhouse Planning SUPPLIER: The Waldinger Corporation POLICIES: 7000, III. K., 7000, VII.D AMOUNT: $262,898.00 Pursuant to Policies 7000, IV. G., Administration and Jacobs with the concurrence of the project architect/engineer, The Schemmer Associates, Inc., recommend that the following change order agreement be submitted for approval: Project: Bid 23-046 OPS Multiple Sites HVAC Controls Modernization Architect/Engineer: The Schemmer Associates, Inc. Contractor: The Waldinger Corporation This work is funded utilizing ESSER Funds under Pillar 3. The Waldinger Corporation is the responsible offeror whose proposal is most advantageous to the District with price and other factors included.
H.13. Approval of Claims Report A - District Expenditure
The Board of Education is required by State Statute 79-584 to approve all expenditures of District funds. Expenditures are presented to the Board for approval in the form of a Claims Report. Claims Report A is a listing of all District expenditures and are organized and presented to the Board by which fund the expenditure is being made from (e.g. General Fund, Bond Fund, etc.).
H.14. Approval of Claims Report B - Expenditures from Various Student Activity Funds for which the Board Serves as Custodian
The Board of Education is required by State Statute 79-584 to approve all expenditures of funds for which the District serves as custodian. Expenditures are presented to the Board for approval in the form of a Claims Report. Claims Report B is a listing of expenditures from the various Student Activity Funds for which the Board serves as custodian.
H.15. Approval of Claims Report C - Expenditures on behalf of Board Members or their Related Organizations
Board Members are prohibited by Nebraska law from voting on items which may personally benefit them. Expenditures which may personally benefit individual Board Members are presented to the Board for approval in the form of a separate Claims Report in order to permit those Board Members to abstain from voting on items which may personally benefit them. The Board of Education is required by State Statute 79-584 to approve all expenditures of District funds. Claims Report C is a listing of expenditures that may relate to individual Board Members or Organizations that employ them.
H.16. Approval of Claims Report D - Payroll Expenditures
The Board of Education is required by State Statute 79-584 to approve all expenditures of District funds. Payroll expenditures are presented to the Board for ratification in the form of a Claims Report. Claims Report D is a summary of payrolls processed and is presented by payroll and pay date.
H.17. Approval of Claims Report E - Payroll Estimated Expenditures
The Board of Education is required by State Statute 79-584 to approve all expenditures of District funds. Payroll expenditures are presented to the Board for ratification in the form of a Claims Report. Claims Report E is an estimation of payrolls to be processed prior to the next Board meeting and is presented by payroll and pay date. Board authorization is requested for amounts not to exceed the totals in the Claims Report.
H.18. Approval of Educational Service Unit No. 19 Claims - Expenditures to be Paid from Education Service Unit's Funds
The Board of Education serves as the Board of Educational Service Unit 19. The Board of Educational Service Unit 19 is required to approve all expenditures of District funds as well as funds for which the District serves as custodian. Expenditures are presented to the Board for approval in the form of a Claims Report. Educational Service Unit No. 19 Claims Report is a listing of all expenditures to be paid from the Education Service Unit's funds.
H.19. Approval of Omaha School Employees Retirement System Claims - Expenditures to be paid from the OSERS's Funds
In keeping with the provisions of Nebraska Revised Statute section 79-981, the Board of Education is responsible for the transaction of OSERS’ business, including approval of expenditures of OSERS’ funds. The Administration recommends approval of the attached claims to be paid from OSERS’ funds.
H.20. Committee on Claims Audit Approval 8/19/2024
State Statue 79-584 requires the Secretary to the Board of Education to audit all accounts of the Class V school district and to submit that audit to the Board of Education Audit Committee for review and approval. The objective of the audit is to obtain and review sufficient claim documentation to determine the risk of material misstatement. The audit methodology is set forth on the Claims Audit Report.
H.21. Approval of Contract with Agencies for Special Education Services for the 2024-2025 School Year ($1,065,686.00)
Funding Source: Special Education
Account: 53130 Contracted Student Services Funds: 1, 153 General Fund, Special Education - IDEA Department: 7194010 Special Education Administration Programs: 1214, 1215, 1231, 1234, 1235,1236, 1265, 1266, 1270 - Speech Therapy School Age, Speech Therapy Ages 3-5, Nursing Services, Nonpublic Therapists, Nonpublic Teachers, Tuition to Agencies Project: 461024, 461025 - IDEA Base/EP Grant Policy: 7000 Strat Plan: Goal 1 - Academics Amount: $1,065,686.00 Administration recommends approval of the attached annual Special Education Services contracts. Every year, the Special Education Division, within Curriculum and Instruction Support, negotiates and renews contracts with outside agencies for special education services that are required under Rule 51 and Rule 52. This is the fifth set of agency contracts going to the Board of Education for approval for the 2024-2025 school year and is part of the District's annual practice. In keeping with the provisions in Policy 7000, contracts that may exceed $50,000 are being placed on the agenda for Board of Education approval. Attached you will find: a service provider rate sheet, contracts and a contract cost sheet for your review for contracts that exceed or may exceed $50,000. The contract rate sheet includes NDE approved rates for services that need to be purchased by Omaha Public Schools from outside agencies that will provide special education services to students ages birth-21. The contract cost sheet includes the agency, address, type of service the agency provides, the estimated number of students that receive services from that agency and 2024-2025 contract rate. The sheet includes an estimate of the total cost for special education services provided by contract agencies. The rates and contracts are budgeted for within the 2024-2025 school year. Per their agreement with Omaha Public Schools, all providers must receive NDE approval to provide special education and related services. The total cost to the District for this group is estimated to be $1,632,218.00 and is an allowable reimbursable special education expenditure.
H.22. Approval of Financial Results from the June 9, 2024 District Surplus On-line Auction Provided by Auction Mill L.L.C. ($96,258.80)
FUND: 1 General Fund
PROGRAM: 2500 Default Non-Expenditure Program DEPT.: 7062000 Default Dept. for Non-Expend POLICIES: 3090 Sales and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies AMOUNT: $96,258.80 Pursuant to Policy 3090, Administration is reporting the financial results from the District surplus auction held online from June 9 through June 23, 2024. The surplus auction was approved at the Board of Education meeting on Monday, June 3, 2024, providing $96,258.80 in funds to the District, as shown below. Miscellaneous Sales $34,946.00 Vehicle Sales $39,150.00 Nutrition Services Vehicle Sales $31,000.00 Nutrition Services $6,189.00 Gross Amount $111,285.00 Less Commission of 20% From Miscellaneous/Nutrition Sales $8,011.20 Less Commission of 10% From Vehicle/Nutrition Vehicle Sales $7,015.00 Total of subtracted cost: $15,026.20 Net to the District $96,258.80 |
H.23. Approval of the Methodist Community Counseling Program (CCP) Service Agreement for the 2024-25 School Year ($337,000.00)
Fund: 176 Federal Grants
Program: 2110 Student and Community Services Department: 7105500 Health Services
Project: 499624 Title IV A Student Support Academic Enrichment Supplier: Methodist Community Counseling (CCP) Policy: 7000 VII Contract Reporting and Signing Procedures Amount: $337,000.00 Administration recommends approval of the Service Agreement between the District and Methodist Community Counseling Program (CCP) for up to $337,000.00 for the 2024-2025 school year to continue providing counseling services with a Licensed Mental Health Practitioner (LMHP) to Omaha Public Schools secondary (middle and high school) students and their families that would otherwise be cost prohibitive. The Board of Education previously approved similar agreements at the Board of Education meeting on April 17, 2023, for 2022-2023 and at the September 21, 2023, Board of Education Meeting for 2023-2024. Counseling services include: (1.) Assessment and referral (2.) Individual therapy, group therapy, and family therapy for students (3.) Evaluation of individual student counseling progress (4.) Crisis management support (5.) Educational programs and (6.) Substance abuse screenings. The total cost of the agreement exceeds $50,000. As such, the agreement is now being presented for Board approval.
H.24. Approval of Proposed Staffing Adjustments
Policy 4001 and 4035 require that the election of employees shall be by action of the Board of Education upon recommendation of the Superintendent or designee. Additionally, Policy 4008 requires that the Chief Human Resources Officer process all retirements, resignations, cancellations, contract amendments and terminations of employment making a recommendation for appropriate action to the Superintendent and Board of Education. Therefore, the District recommends the approval of the attached Staffing Adjustments.
H.25. Approval to Purchase Six (6) Additional Brand New Forklifts from MH Equipment Using Bid No. 24-068 ($232,942.80)
FUND: 4070 Depreciation Reserve Fund
PROGRAM: 2510 Business Support Services DEPT: 7062100 Accounting & Finance SUPPLIER: MH Equipment POLICY: 7000, Article VII, Section III D AMOUNT: $232,942.80 Administration requests approval to purchase six (6) additional brand-new forklifts per Bid No. 24-068. Two (2) forklifts will be assigned to the US Mills Building. The remaining forklifts will be assigned one (1) each to the Service Center, Transportation Services, Nicholas Street Facility, and Bryan High School. The Board of Education awarded Bid No. 24-068 to MH Equipment on Monday, August 5, 2024. Bid specification holds the pricing for any additional forklifts for 90 days, pending Board of Education approval. The total cost of the forklifts is $232,942.80.
For complete bid documentation, contact
H.26. Approval of Renewed Consulting Agreement with University of Nebraska Medical Center to Facilitate the High School Alliance Program for the 2024-25 School Year (+$30,000.00)
Administration recommends approval of a one-year contract renewal with the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) to facilitate the High School Alliance program, pursuant to Policy 6121. The agreement facilitates cooperation between UNMC and OPS in the provision of instruction of courses on UNMC’s campus for Omaha Public School high school credit. The agreement stipulates that Omaha Public Schools provides staffing of up to three staff members to the UNMC High School Alliance program and in return Omaha Public Schools is provided up to ($30,000) Thirty-thousand dollars. The UNMC High School Alliance program is a component of the Omaha Public Schools Career Center.
H.27. Approval of the School and Family Enrichment (SAFE) Service Agreement for the 2024-2025 School Year ($235,000.00)
FUND: 176 Federal Grants
PROGRAM: 2110 Student and Community Services
DEPT: 7105500 Health Services
PROJECT 499624 Title IV A Student Support Academic Enrichment VENDOR: Child Saving Institute
POLICIES: 7000 VII Contract Reporting and Signing Procedures
AMOUNT: $235,000.00
Administration recommends approval of the Service Agreement between the District and Child Saving Institute for up to $235,000.00 to continue supporting the operation of the School and Family Enrichment (SAFE) case management program that serves Omaha Public Schools elementary and middle school students and their families. Services include individualized service planning and family-based interventions with the intent of improving students’ school performance, inclusive of academic achievement and classroom behavior. This service shall include assessment and service provision in the school environment and in a student’s place of residence. The Board of Education previously approved similar agreements at the February 6, 2023, Board of Education meeting for 2022-2023 and at the September 7, 2023, Board of Education meeting for 2023-2024. The total cost of the agreement exceeds $50,000. As such, the agreement is now being presented for Board approval.
H.28. Approval of the Title I A Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Part A Grant 2024 -2025 School Year (+$30,332,213.00)
FUND: 154, Title I A
PROGRAM: 1100, Title I A DEPT: Various SUPPLIER: The Nebraska Department of Education POLICY: 6410 AMOUNT: $30,332,213.00 The Title I Budget is allocated to Public Schools, Non-Public Schools, Contracted Educational Agencies, and the Homeless Program. Eligible Title I Public Schools are allocated based on poverty determined by the Community Eligibility Provision Formula (CEP). The CEP Percentage for Elementary Schools are based at 70%. The Secondary Schools are based on 75%. The United States Department of Education (USDE) requires any school that has a 75% or higher poverty CEP to receive Title I Funding. To expend these funds, Title I schools, and Title I Programs must submit a Schoolwide Plan, or Title I Contract that is aligned with the District’s Plan of Action and their School Improvement Plan. In addition, the Title I Office must also submit a grant application to the state for approval and compliance purposes. Administration requests approval to receive the 2024-2025 Title I Allocation in the amount of $30,332,213.00.
H.29. Grant Fund Budget Awards
It is recommended that the grant fund budget be amended to include the receipts and expenditures of the attached grant awards.
I. Discussion and/or Action Items
I.1. Information Item(s)
I.1.a. Accountability Committee Update
The Chair of the Accountability Committee will provide an update.
I.2. Action Item(s)
I.2.a. Approval of the Report of the Legislative Committee Which Includes Positions on Legislation Introduced to Date During the Special Session
The Legislative Committee, in keeping with the provisions of Policy 8150, recommends approval of the recommended positions on the attached summary of bills introduced to date during the special legislative session and reaffirming the positions taken by the Board at its July 26, 2024 special meeting. The summary has been prepared with the assistance of Kissel Kohout ES Associates and generally includes legislation which may affect the District. The Committee continuously monitors legislative activity and may, from time to time, recommend that the Board take or update a position on a particular bill, resolution or amendment. Committee recommendations typically include one of the following: Support, Oppose, or Monitor with Research. In the absence of one of those recommendations, the Committee is recommending that the District take no position. Given the fluid nature of the legislature, the Committee may need to present new bills, resolutions or amendments, including some that may not have appeared on the bill summary, to the Board for consideration.
I.2.b. Approval of First Reading of Policies 6230, 6240, 6380
Policy 8120 stipulates the Board of Education shall cause policies and regulations to be revised as necessary. The Policy Committee will provide recommended changes to the following policies:
6230 - Curriculum Guides 6240 - Homework 6380 - Equal Opportunity: Instruction Program
J. Receipt of Reports
K. Request for Closed Session
The Omaha Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold closed sessions. Closed sessions may be held when clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. Reasons that meet this standard include but are not limited to: (a) strategy sessions with respect to collective bargaining, real estate matters, pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body; (b) discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices; (c) investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct; (d) evaluation of the job performance of a person when necessary to prevent needless injury to the reputation of a person and if such person has not requested a public meeting; and (e) legal advice.
At this point, it is appropriate for the Board to meet in closed session for one of the stated matters and/or any other permissible closed session matters in compliance with the law. That the Board hold a closed session: 1. For strategy session with respect to negotiations/collective bargaining clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. 2. For strategy session with respect to property/real estate matters clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
3. For strategy session with respect to pending litigation, or litigation which is imminent as evidenced by communication of a claim or threat of litigation to or by the public body clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
4. For discussion regarding deployment of security personnel or devices clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
5. For investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
6. For personnel and the evaluation of job performance clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law.
7. For discussions of the legal consequences of specific action and legal advice clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual in compliance with the law. |
L. Adjournment