August 24, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum
2. Closed/Executive Session - 6:00 PM
Section 551, Texas Government Code
2.A. Personnel-Section 551.074 of the Texas Government Code
2.A.1. Discussion in regard to personnel matters
2.B. Real Property-Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code
2.B.1. Discussion of Real Estate Property
2.C. Security Audits-Section 551.076 of the Texas Government Code
2.C.1. Discussion of Security Audits
2.D. Attorney Consultation-Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code
3. Open Session - 7:00 P.M.
3.A. Invocation
3.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag
3.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
4. Information Reports (No Action Required)
4.A. Discussion of Bond Update
4.B. Discussion of Capital Projects
4.C. Discussion of GPA Policy Revision
4.D. Introduction of Communications Supervisor
5. Public Comments
6. Future Action Items
6.A. Discussion of Middle School Moving Contract
7. Action
7.A. Consent Agenda
7.A.1. Minutes
7.A.2. Financial Reports
7.A.3. Renewal of Property and Casual Insurance
7.B. Action Items
7.B.1. Discussion and possible approval of budget amendments
7.B.2. Discussion and possible approval of Middle School Furniture
7.B.3. Discussion and possible approval of Middle School Technology
7.B.4. Discussion and possible approval to consider and adopt an order authorizing the issuance of unlimited tax bonds; appointing a pricing officer and delegating to the pricing officer the authority to approve the sale of the bons and documents related thereto; establishing certain parameters for the approval of such matters; levying an annual ad valorem tax for the payment of the bonds; and enacting other provisions relating to the subject
7.B.5. Discussion and possible approval of JET Grant purchases
7.B.6. Discussion and possible approval of Bus Purchase
7.B.7. Discussion and possible approval of 2020-2021 Appraisal Calendar
7.B.8. Discussion and possible approval of Hazardous Bus Routes
7.B.9. Discussion and possible approval of Policy Update 115
8. Adjournment