August 19, 2014 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A. Call to Order and Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Community Participation
D. Approval of Minutes
E. Consent Agenda
E.1. Approval of Bills
E.2. Approval of Employment
E.3. Approval of Non-certified Employment Actions
E.4. Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes
E.5. Approval of Destruction of Executive Session Recordings
E.6. Approval of Hazardous Transportation Areas
E.7. Approval of Agreement with Speech Path Specialists, Ltd.
F. Action Items
G. Information
G.1. Board Representatives Committee Updates
G.2. Department Updates
G.2.a. Business Office
G.2.b. Curriculum & Instruction, Student Services, Technology
G.2.b.1) Parent/Student Handbook 2014-2015
G.2.c. Facilities
G.3. Superintendent's Informational Report
H. Discussion Items
H.1. 1:1 Teaching and Learning Presentation
H.2. Future COW Topics
I. Community Participation
J. Executive Session
K. Adjournment