July 20, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order - President RJ Rogers
II. Roll Call of Members
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Public Comments (In-person comments suspended [Board Action April 20, 2020]. The public can contact Jenny Hagemann at 608-847-5451, ext. 6680 or by email at jhagemann@maustonschools.org in order to address those comments.)
V. Reports
V.A. Board Committee Reports
V.A.1. Policy and Personnel Committee (July 14, 2020)
V.A.2. Finance Committee (July 20, 2020)
V.A.3. WASB or CESA Conferences Attended
V.B. Summer School Report - April Frelke
V.C. Leadership Team Reports
V.D. Superintendent's Report
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.A. Approval Board Meeting Minutes
VI.A.1. Regular June 15, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
VI.A.2. Special June 17, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
VI.A.3. Special July 6, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
VI.B. Approval of Retirements/Resignations (If Any)
VI.C. Approval of Start Now/Early College Credit Applications
VI.D. Approval of Monthly Vouchers
VII. Pending Action
VII.A. Approval of Gifts and Donations
VII.B. Approval of Employee Contracts (If Any)
VII.C. Consideration of recommendation to approve Reopening Schools 2020-2021 as presented providing Superintendent authority to move to cohort model as needed. This would include switching to podded classrooms if necessary
VII.D. Review of Draft Ballot Question from Quarles and Brady
VII.E. Review and Approval of Phase II with Miron Construction and Plunkett Rayish Architects (PRA)
VII.F. Discussion and Approval of the Renewal of Contract with CESA #2 for JEDI Online Network Services for the 2020-2021 School Year
VII.G. Review and Approval of School District Academic Standards for the 2020-2021 School Year in Accordance with WI Stat. 118.30
VII.H. Authorize the Superintendent to Approve Late Summer Teacher Contracts
VIII. Adjourn