February 13, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
III. Harbor Springs Education Foundation - Good Source Fundraiser
IV. Locker Room Renovation options
John Dancer
V. Superintendent's Report
V.A. Principal Recognition Week
VI. Board President's Report
VII. Committee Reports
VII.A. Facilities
VII.B. Finance
VII.C. Communications
VIII. General Announcements
IX. Public Input
X. Consent Agenda Items
X.A. Approval of Invoices
X.A.1. General Fund - $467,792.18
X.A.2. Community Schools Fund - $19,573.06
X.A.3. Lunch Fund - $96.58
X.B. Approval of Minutes
X.B.1. Regular Meeting - January 9, 2012
XI. Recommended for Action - New Business
XI.A. Approval of General Fund and Community Schools Budget Amendment for 2011-12 Fiscal Year - Pam
XI.B. Approval to Let Bids for Network Electronics and Trophy Cases - Chris
XI.C. Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Annual Election and the Renewal of the Operating Millage and Sinking Fund - Mark
XI.D. Food Service Changes - Pam/John
XII. Recommended for Action - Old Business
XII.A. Approval of Hiring Spring Coaches and Overnight Trip - Dave
XII.B. Approval of Johnson Controls Service Agreement - Chris
XII.C. Band Overnight Field Trip - Pat
XIII. Information and Proposals
XIII.A. Administrative Evaluation Tool Pilot - Mark
XIII.B. Football Coach Posting
XIII.C. NEOLA Policy Update - Bullying - First Reading - Mark
XIII.D. Long Term Sub - HS English - Mark
XIII.E. Planning Commission - Chris |
XIII.F. Review of Superintendents Evaluation - Shauna
XIII.G. Elementary Principle Interview Process - Mark
XIV. Public Input
XV. Adjournment