April 15, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Citizens
IV.A. Citizens
V. St. Clair County COVID-19 Pandemic Update
VI. Business, Finance & Marketing Update
VI.A. Band Instrument Bid
VI.B. Bond Rating
VII. Consent Grouping
VII.A. Approval of Board Minutes
VII.B. Business, Finance & Marketing
VII.B.1. Budget Report
VII.B.2. Financial Reports
VII.B.3. Monthly Statement of General Fund Bills
VII.B.4. Debt Fund and QECB Payments
VII.B.5. Sinking Fund Projects
VII.C. Miscellaneous
VII.C.1. Band Instrument Replacement
VII.C.2. Food Service Management Contract Renewal 2021-22
VII.C.3. Support Staff COVID-19 Stipend
VIII. Approval of Consent Grouping
VIII.A. Reconfirmation Assessment
VIII.B. Discussion
VIII.C. Reconfirmation Determination
IX. Discussion
X. Adjournment