December 9, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Combined Informational/Regular and Reconfirmation Meetings
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Citizens
V. Business, Finance & Marketing Update
V.A. Internet Services Bid
V.B. Summer Tax Resolution
V.C. Resolution Setting Matters to be Voted On
VI. Special Education & State/Federal Program Updates
VII. Superintendent's Report
VII.A. Election Canvass
VII.B. 5-Year Common Countywide Calendar
VII.C. "High Range" Internet Wi-Fi Access Points (St. Clair RESA)
VII.D. FEMA Public Assistance COVID-19 Streamlined Project (Project # 136650) Update
VII.E. Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan Dashboard
VIII. Regular Meeting
IX. Consent Grouping
IX.A. Approval of Board Minutes
IX.B. Business, Finance & Marketing
IX.B.1. Budget Report
IX.B.2. Financial Report
IX.B.3. Monthly Statement of General Fund Bills
IX.B.4. Summer Tax Resolution
IX.B.5. Resolution Setting Matters to be Voted On
IX.C. Miscellaneous
IX.C.1. Board of Canvass
X. Approval of Consent Grouping
XI. Reconfirmation Assessment
XII. Discussion
XIII. Reconfirmation Determination
XIV. Adjournment