June 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM - Informational/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Citizens
V. Building & Grounds
VI. Business, Finance & Marketing Update
VI.A. Food Service Management Agreement (Addendum)
VI.B. Amendment to the 2019-20 General Appropriations Budget
VI.C. 2020-21 Food Services Management Contract Renewal
VII. Human Resources
VII.A. Updates
VII.B. Retirements
VIII. Special Education & State/Federal Programs Update
IX. Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
X. Superintendent's Report
X.A. Board Meeting Dates
X.B. 2020-21 MHSAA Membership Resolution
X.C. BoardBook Premier
XI. Regular Meeting
XII. Consent Grouping
XII.A. Approval of Board Minutes
XII.B. Business, Finance & Marketing
XII.B.1. Budget Report
XII.B.2. Financial Reports
XII.B.3. Monthly Statement of General Fund Bills
XII.B.4. Building and Site Fund (NTH Consultants)
XII.B.5. Amendment to the 2019-20 General Appropriations Budget
XII.B.6. 2020-21 General Appropriations Budget Resolution
XII.B.7. Tax Rate Request
XII.C. Human Resources
XII.C.1. Retirements
XII.C.2. Staffing Reductions
XII.D. Miscellaneous
XII.D.1. MHSAA Resolution
XII.D.2. Board Meeting Dates
XII.D.3. Food Service Management Agreement (Addendum)
XII.D.4. 2020-21 Food Services Management Contract Renewal
XIII. Approval of Consent Grouping
XIV. Discussion
XV. Adjournment