August 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Informational/Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Citizens
IV.A. Retirement Recognition
IV.B. Citizens
V. Informational Meeting
VI. Building & Grounds Update
VI.A. Stadium Lighting
VII. Human Resources Update
VII.A. Updates
VII.B. New Hires
VII.C. Student Handbooks
VII.C.1. 2019-20 Elementary Student Handbook
VII.C.2. 2019-20 Middle School Student Handbook
VII.C.3. 2019-20 MHS Student Handbook
VIII. Business, Finance & Marketing Update
VIII.A. Section 125 Plan Amendment
VIII.B. Memo of Understanding for Audit 2018-19
VIII.C. Bond Refunding Resolution
IX. Special Education & State/Federal Programs Update
X. Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Update
X.A. AP Science Textbook
XI. Superintendent's Update
XI.A. Board Meeting Schedule
XI.B. 2019-20 Strategic Plan and Board Goals
XI.C. Food Service Contracts
XII. Discussion
XIII. Regular Meeting
XIV. Consent Grouping
XIV.A. Approval of Minutes
XIV.B. Business, Finance & Marketing
XIV.B.1. Budget Report
XIV.B.2. Financial Report
XIV.B.3. Monthly Statement of Bills
XIV.B.4. Sinking Fund/Building Site Bills
XIV.C. Human Resources
XIV.C.1. New Hires
XIV.D. Miscellaneous
XIV.D.1. Student Handbooks
XIV.D.2. 2019-20 Strategic Plan and Board Goals
XIV.D.3. Food Service Contract
XIV.D.4. Section 125 Plan Amendment
XIV.D.5. Bond Refunding Resolution
XIV.D.6. Stadium Lighting
XIV.D.7. AP Science Textbooks
XV. Approval of Consent Grouping
XVI. Discussion
XVII. Adjournment