June 21, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Unfinished Business
V. Citizens
V.A. Public Hearing - Acceptable Use/Internet Safety Policy (CIPA)
V.B. Citizen Comments
VI. Additions to the Agenda
VII. Communications
VIII. Committee Reports
IX. Consent Grouping
IX.A. Approval of Minutes
IX.B. Business
IX.B.1. Financial Reports
IX.B.2. Bills
IX.B.2.a. Monthly General Fund Bills
IX.B.2.b. 2007 Capital Projects Fund Bills
IX.B.2.c. Capital Improvements Fund
IX.B.2.d. 2007 Debt Fund Bills
IX.B.2.e. 2008 Debt Fund Bills
IX.C. Instruction
IX.D. Personnel
IX.D.1. Teacher Recalls (Updated 6/21/12)
Note: This item has been removed from the agenda, due to the fact that Governor Snyder has not signed the State budget into law. |
IX.D.2. Teacher Vacancies
IX.D.3. Teacher Resignations
IX.D.4. Custodial Retirement
IX.D.5. 2012-13 District Calendar
IX.E. Miscellaneous
IX.E.1. Acceptable Use/Internet Safety Policy/CIPA
IX.E.2. Amendment to General Appropriations Resolution 2011-12
IX.E.3. General Appropriations Resolution 2012-13
IX.E.4. School Lunch Prices 2012-13
IX.E.5. MHSAA Participation Resolution
IX.E.6. Tax Rate Request Form L-4029
X. Approval of Consent Grouping
XI. Action Items
XI.A. MABA Tentative Agreement 2012-13
XI.B. MESP Tentative Agreement 2012-13
XI.C. Food Service Employees Tentative Agreement 2012-13
XI.D. Paraprofessional Tentative Agreement 2012-13 (Posted 6/21/12)
XII. Discussion
XII.A. Board of Education Operating Procedures Committee (Posted 6/21/12)
XIII. Adjournment