June 13, 2012 at 7:00 PM - Informational Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Citizens
IV.A. District Retirement Recognitions
IV.B. You Rock Awards
IV.C. Public Hearing - 2012/13 Budget
IV.D. Citizen Comments
V. Additions to Agenda
VI. Superintendent's Report
VI.A. Board of Education - July Meeting
VI.B. MHSAA Participation Resolution
VII. Curriculum & Instruction
VII.A. Update
VIII. Personnel
VIII.A. 2012-13 Staffing Update
VIII.B. 2012-13 Teacher Recommendations
VIII.C. Teacher Resignation
VIII.D. Teacher Recalls
VIII.E. 2012-2013 District Calendar
IX. Finance & Operations
IX.A. School Lunch Prices 2012-2013
IX.B. District-wide Projects Update
IX.C. Internet Safety Policy (CIPA) - (Posted 6.11.12)
IX.D. Amendment to General Appropriations Resolution 2011-2012
IX.E. General Appropriations Resolution 2012-2013 (Posted 6/12/12)
X. Discussion
XI. Closed Session - Negotiations
XII. Adjournment