August 11, 2020 at 8:01 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Preliminary Actions (Note: Recording of meeting can be located at this link.) Note that there is a 5-10 minute gap from when streaming was down.)
1.a. Call to Order
1.b. Pledge of Allegiance
1.c. Roll Call and Board Introductions
1.d. Good News
1.e. Public Comment
1.f. Board Communications
1.g. Agenda Additions
1.h. Approval of Agenda
2. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda
2.a. Board Minutes
2.b. Employment Recommendations, Leave Requests and Resignations
2.c. Other Personnel Matters
2.d. Payment of Bills & Claims
2.e. Wire Transfers / Investments
2.f. Change Orders
2.g. Bid Awards
2.h. Other Business Matters
2.i. Resolution Regarding Acceptance of Gift Donations
2.j. Field Trips
2.k. Lakeville Arenas Joint Powers Agreement
2.l. Reimbursement Resolution
3. Consent Agenda Discussion Items
4. Reports
4.a. COVID-19 Administration Response
4.b. First Reading, Policy 524: Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy (Revised)
4.c. First Reading, Policy 809: COVID-19 Face Covering Policy
5. Recommended Actions
5.a. Resolution on Commitment to Justice in Education
5.b. Resolution on the Adoption of 2020-21 School Year Base Learning Model
5.c. Resolution Calling a General Election and to Provide Written Notice to County Auditors
5.d. Election of Office - Treasurer
6. Additions to Agenda
7. Information
7.a. Superintendent's Reports
7.b. Board Members' Reports
8. Adjournment
9. *8:01 p.m. start time due to state/local elections.