October 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Announce Open Meeting Act Posting and Location
4. Recognition of Visitors
During this time visitors may request to the board the opportunity to speak at the appropriate time. The Board then allow for Public Comments. Each speaker will be limited to 5 minutes and all of the Public Comment time will be limited to 30 minutes. An exception will be made for those speakers appearing on the Agenda as presenters.
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Minutes
5.2. Treasurers Report
6. Administrative Reports
6.1. Student Board Member Report
6.2. Athletic Director/Activities Director Report
6.3. Elementary Principals Report
6.4. Secondary Principals Report
6.5. Superintendents Report:
7. District Reports
7.1. Technology Report
7.2. Maintenance/Facilities/Transportation Report
7.3. Board/Committee Report
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Discussion Item #1: Appoint local board Delegate Assembly Representative (will email mbelka@NASBonline.org)
8.2. Discussion Item #2: Negotiations Committee
8.3. Discussion Item #3: Educational Service Unit Yearly Report (22-23) & (23-24)
8.4. Discussion Item #4: Review of our Emergency Operational Plan (EOP)
8.5. Discussion Item #5: Policy 302.05 (Superintendent Evaluation) Review
9. Action Items
9.1. Action Item #1: Approval of our Co-op with Osceola Public Schools in regards to our Junior High Football Program to join together for the next two seasons (24-25 & 25-26).
9.2. Action Item #2: Approving the equipment capitalization threshold is the dollar figure used by your district to distinguish between "equipment" and "small supplies" for inventory purposes. This is required by NDE for the application process for FY2023 National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grants. Our threshold will be placed at $35,000.
10. Set Dates
10.1. Reminder to Set Date/Time for Americanism Meeting before regular BoE meeting that is open for Public Comment
11. Executive Session
The Board may enter into closed session at any time to discuss any matter for which a closed session is lawful and appropriate. We have legal matters that need to be handled in closed session. Before the Board can enter closed session, a motion must be made in agreement with Statute 84-1410 by the Board to discuss topics such as personnel, negotiations, and legal matters. |
12. Adjournment