February 8, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call of Board Members
4. Approval of Agenda
5. Reading of the YME Mission Statement
6. Public Address to the Board of Education
7. Consent Agenda
7.1. Approval of Meeting Minutes - January 11, 2021
7.2. Approval of Payment for Claims
7.3. Approval of Finance Report
7.4. Approval of Enrollment Report
8. Reports
8.1. Indian Education Annual Compliance/Vote of Concurrence/Nonconcurrence - Berta Bjerkeset
8.2. YME MS/HS Board Report - Ryan Luft, Principal
8.3. Bert Raney Elementary Report - Lisa Hansen, Principal
8.4. District Report - Rich Schneider, Superintendent
8.5. Celebrations & Recognitions
8.6. Committee Reports (Board Members)
8.6.1. Negotiations Committee Update
8.6.2. Policy Committee - February 1, 2021
9. New Business
9.1. Personnel Items
9.1.1. New Hires
| Recognition of Volunteer Coach - Wrestling - Cody Berghuis
9.1.2. Leave Requests & Resignations
| Resignation - Bert Raney Elementary Paraprofessional - Skylar Smith
| Resignation - Bert Raney Elementary Paraprofessional/Nurse - Emily Enestvedt
| Resignation - ELL Instructor - Cindy Lavin
| Resignation - Title One/Literacy Secialist - Peggy Kvam
| Resignation/Retirement - Bert Raney Elementary Instructor - Mary Jensen
| Resignation/Retirement - Bert Raney Elementary Instructor - Joanelle Sannerud
| Resignation/Retirement - Finance Officer - LeeAnn Boushek
9.1.3. Approve Contract for Superintendent Rich Schneider for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 School Years with Salary to be Negotiated
9.2. Recognize Upper Sioux Community, Chairperson Kevin Jensvold, and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Dan DeSmet for Coordinating and Administering Vaccinations for YME Staff Members.
9.3. Resolution Directing the Administration to Make Recommendations on the Reduction of Programs and Positions due to Declining Enrollment
9.4. Approve 2nd Payment of MSHSL Fees
10. Policy Update
10.1. Approve Policy 601 - School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals
10.2. Approve Policy 808 - COVID19 Face Covering Policy
11. Discussion Items
11.1. MS/HS Storm Damage Restoration Update
12. Correspondence
13. Upcoming Events
13.1. Finance Committee Meeting - February 10, 2021 - 5:30 pm
13.2. No School - President's Day Holiday - February 12 & 15, 2021
13.3. Board Meeting - March 8, 2021 - YME Little Theater- 6:00 pm
No School - Presiden's Day Holiday - February 12 & 15, 2021
14. Executive Session
15. Adjourn