April 15, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order/Declaration of Quorum
2. Pledge/Invocation
3. Presentation
Public testimony is for agenda-specific comments about the items scheduled for action or discussion with possible action.
3.A. April Spotlight Staff & Student
3.B. High School Student Council Presentation
4. Public Testimony for Agenda Items
Public testimony is for agenda-specific comments about the items scheduled for action or discussion with possible action.
5. Announcment of Continuing Education Hours for LISD Board of Trustees (May 2023 - April 2024)
6. Action Items
6.A. Consideration/Possible Approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification 2024-2025
6.B. Consideration/Possible Approval to Purchase Fine Arts Theater System Upgrades (Over $50,000 Threshold)
6.C. Consideration/Possible Action Regarding Superintendent's Recommendations for Term and Probationary Contract Renewals
6.D. Consideration/Possible Action to Terminate the Probationary Contract of a Classroom Teacher at the End of the Contract Term
7. Consent Agenda Items
7.A. Consideration/Possible Approval of Minutes of Board Meetings - March 18, 2024
8. Business Office Report
8.A. Comparison of Expenditures & Encumbrances to Budget
8.B. Cash Position & Investment Report
8.C. Tax Collection Report
9. Future Meeting Dates
10. Closed Session - The Board will adjourn to closed session in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 (Discussion regarding Personnel).
10.A. Consideration and Discussion of Superintendent's Recommendations for Term and Probationary Contract Renewals
10.B. Consider Superintendent's Recommendation to Terminate the Probationary Contact of a Classroom Teacher at the End of the Contract Term. Tex. Gov't Code Sec. 551.074
11. Open Session - Return to open session and take necessary action on matters which the Board may discuss in closed session and upon which action may be taken.
12. Adjournment