July 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Forum
In accordance to board policy 203, a fifteen minute time period is set aside to receive citizen input on items not on this agenda through this open forum segment on the board agenda. Sign up sheets available 10 minutes prior to meeting time at the door.
4. Roll Call
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Consent Agenda
Consent agenda items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a board member or citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed as a consent agenda item and addressed.
6.A. Financials
6.A.1. Check/Wire Transfer Disbursement Summary
(Will be added to the August 12th meeting)
6.A.2. Wire Transfer, EFT and ACH Banking Activity
(Will be added to the August 12th meeting)
6.A.3. Bank Reconciliation Statement
May 2019
6.A.4. Building Bond Investment Reports
6.A.4.a. Prior Lake 2018A BPM Report
6.A.4.b. Prior Lake 2018B BPM Report
6.A.5. Monthly Wire Detail
(Will be added to the August 12th meeting)
6.A.6. Monthly Health/Dental Wire Detail
(Will be added to the August 12th meeting)
6.A.7. Monthly Check Detail
(Will be added to the August 12th meeting)
6.A.8. Monthly ACH Detail
(Will be added to the August 12th meeting)
6.B. Approval of School Board Minutes
* Board Study Session - June 3, 2019
* Regular Board Meeting - June 10, 2019 * Board Study Session - June 24, 2019
6.C. Personnel Items
6.C.1. Resignations - Terminations - Non-Renewals
1. Kimberly Allen - Child Nutrition Helper - HS (effective June 6, 2019)
2. Cheryl Barnes - Special Education Teacher - HO (effective June 25, 2019) 3. Dan Beech - Assistant Softball Coach - HS (effective immediately) 4. Stephanie Betley - Assistant Dance Coach - HS (effective immediately) 5. Kathy Borchardt - Child Nutrition Helper - HS (effective June 6, 2019) 6. Lindsay Burque - 4th Grade Teacher - JP (effective immediately) 7. Nicole Dickenson - Synchronized Swim Coach (50%) - HS (effective immediately) 8. Matt Haefner - Head Softball Coach - HS (effective immediately) 9. Joey Larsen - Assisant Girls Tennis Coach (50%) - HS (effective immediately) 10. Mark Nissen - 3rd Grade Teacher - RR (effective June 10, 2019) 11. Michael O'Hara - Technology Field Tech - DSC (effective June 30, 2019) 12. Stephanie Ozols - Child Nutrition - RR (effective June 6, 2019) 13. Sidney Piras - 9th Grade Girls Soccer Coach - HS (effective immediately) 14. Shan Roehrick - Special Needs Nurse - RR (effective June 7, 2019) 15. Karleen Ruesink - Secretary - DSC (effective TBD) 16. Darlene Schuman - Secretary - DSC (effective TBD) 17. Kelly Tippie - Health Aide (PT) - JP (effective June 6, 2019) 18. Wayne Wells - American Indian Student Support Coordinator - Dist. (effective June 30, 2019) 19. Annie York - Speech Language Pathologist - TO (effective immediately) |
6.C.2. District Retirement
1. Patricia Bjorklund - Purchasing and Fixed Assets Secretary - DSC (28 years of service)
6.C.3. Candidates for Employment
6.C.4. Leaves of Absence
1. Jane Balow - Synergy Teacher - FH/JP/RR (.5 medical leave SY 2019-20)
2. Julie Haugan - Math Teacher - TO (maternity leave October 16-December 20, 2019) 3. Heather Nelson - Lanuauge Arts Teacher - HO (maternity leave - September 21-November 1, 2019) 4. Rebecca Smith - Synergy Teacher - GD/GW/WW (.5 family leave SY 2019-20) |
6.D. 2019-20 MSBA Membership Renewal
6.E. 2019-20 Metro ECSU Membership Renewal
6.F. 2019-20 AMSD Membership Renewal
6.G. 2019-20 Schools for Equity in Education (SEE) Membership
7. Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts
8. Laker Pride ** Special Recognition ** Laker Showcase
* The Prior Lake-Savage Optimist Club will present a painting by Emily Wu to the district.
* Prior Lake swept the day in the boys and girls lacrosse state championship with both receiving state titles. Both teams will be honored during Laker Pride along with their coaches. * Samantha Barrett, State Champ in Girls Triple Jump will be honored along with her coaches. |
9. Personnel Items
Executive Director of Human Resources Quiram
9.A. 2019-20 Educational Support Staffing Request
Board approval is requested.
9.B. New/Revised Job Descriptions
The board is requested to approve the following job descriptions:
1. Administrative Assistant - Teaching and Learning 2. Assistant Director of Human Resources 3. Director of Assessment, Evaluation and District Improvement
10. Unfinished Business
10.A. Facility Planning and Construction
Assistant Director of Operations/Transportation Mullen
This is an update and report only. No board action is requested.
11. New Business
11.A. 2019-20 MSHSL Membership Resolution
Activities Director Reetz
As part of this approval, the board is required to publicly watch the "Why We Play" training video which defines the purpose and value of education-based athletic and activity programs and assists school communities in communicating a shared common language. The approval of the resolution will take place after reviewing this 5 minute video.
11.B. Award Milk Contract for 2019-20
Director of Child Nutrition Services Malone
Board action is requested to award the milk contract, as presented.
(Document will be added prior to board meeting)
11.C. Approval of Hamilton Ridge Re-Bid Civil Package
Assistant Director of Operations/Transportation Mullen, Jeff Martin, representing Nexus Solutions
Board approval is requested.
11.D. District Priority Work & Organizational Goals for 2019-20
Superintendent Staloch
Board action is requested.
12. Policy
12.A. Second and Final Reading of Policies. Board Action is Requested.
12.A.1. Policy 807: Naming School Buildings or Facilities
12.A.2. Policy 705: Investments
12.A.3. Policy 419: Tobacco-Free Environment, Possession and Use of Tobacco, Tobacco-Related Devices and Electronic Delivery Devices
Executive Director of Human Resources Quiram
This policy is part of the annual/mandatory policies. On May 30, 2019, Governor Tim Walz signed into Minnesota law the omnibus Health and Human Services bill, which expanded the definition of smoking to encompass an “activated electronic delivery device.” In the same bill, Minnesota Statutes 144.412 (Public Policy) was revised to express the goal of protecting employees and the public from “involuntary exposure to aerosol or vapor from electronic delivery devices.” To reflect these statutory changes, MSBA updated Model Policy 419, now titled “Tobacco-Free Environment; Possession and Use of Tobacco, Tobacco-Related Devices, and Electronic Delivery Devices.” The updated policy is attached for approval.
12.A.4. Mandatory and Annual Policies
These are annual policies. The board can approve as a group or individually.
13. Administrative Reports
13.A. Superintendent Report
13.B. Administrative Reports
13.C. Board Reports
14. Future Events
* MSBA Summer Seminar "Bold Leadership" - August 5, 2019
* Regular School Board Meeting - August 12, 2019 - DSC - 7:00 p.m. * New Teacher Inservice - August 12-14, 2019 |
15. Adjourn Open Meeting and Close Meeting
16. Closed Session for Discussing Negotiation Strategy
The meeting will be closed in accordance with the Open Meeting Law (Minn. Stat. 13D.03) for the purpose of discussing negotiation strategy.
17. Adjourn