August 11, 2022 at 10:00 AM - State Board of Education
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
Ouida Newton
II. Moment of Silence
Ouida Newton
III. Recognition
Ouida Newton
III.1. Milken Educator Award Winner
Venus Torrence
Grant Harbison, Jonesboro School District
III.2. Career and Technical Student Organization National Officers
Ross White
Lauryn Howard, JAG National Secretary of Little Rock Southwest High School
Rachael Thumma, HOSA International Executive Council of Bentonville High School Reese Owens, FCCLA National Vice President of Community Service of White Hall High School
IV. Changes to Agenda
Ouida Newton
V. Consent Agenda
Ouida Newton
V.2. Newly Employed, Promotions and Separations
Teletha Leonard and Clemetta Hood
The applicant data from this information is used to compile the Applicant Flow Chart forms for the Affirmative Action Report, which demonstrates the composition of applicants through the selecting, hiring, promoting and terminating process. The information is needed to measure the effectiveness of the agency's recruitment, hiring and promotion efforts and is in conformity with federal government guidelines, which require the agency to compile statistical information about applicants for employment.
V.3. Consideration of Report on Waivers to School Districts for Teachers Teaching Out of Area for Longer than Thirty (30) Days, Ark. Code Ann. §6-17-309
Karli Saracini
Arkansas Code Annotated §6-17-309 requires local school districts to secure a waiver when classrooms are staffed with unlicensed teachers for longer than 30 days. Requests were received from 42 school districts for a total of 67 waivers. There were also requests for long-term substitutes from 7 school districts requesting a total of 9 waivers for long-term substitutes. These requests have been reviewed, were either approved or denied by Department staff, and are consistent with program guidelines.
V.4. Review of Loan and Bond Applications
Anita Freer
The members of the Arkansas State Board of Education are requested to review the following:
Commercial Bond Applications - 1 Second Lien and 2 Voted With the recommendation to approve all applications from the Loan Committee and additional information provided by the school district in its application package and:
V.5. Embedded Course Approvals 2022-2023
Kiffany Pride
Act 421 of 2013 allows curriculum frameworks from two (2) separate courses to be taught in a single course, known as a combined or embedded course. Several school districts made application for approval of the combined or embedded course and assured, in writing, that the curriculum frameworks for both courses will be fully taught in the combined or embedded course. The Division of Elementary & Secondary Education staff respectfully requests the State Board of Education (SBE) approve the embedded courses as linked below, understanding that when the curriculum frameworks for one of the courses are revised, a new course approval request must be submitted to the SBE and approval must be granted before a school would be allowed to offer the embedded course.
V.6. Educational Service Cooperatives (ESC) Annual Reports
Section 21.00 of the ESC Rules requires the policies and procedures of the education service cooperative, including without limitation the board of directors’ policies and procedures for overseeing the administrative and program expenditures of the education service cooperative, as well as employment information.
VI. Action Agenda
VI.1. School Choice Appeal Under the School Choice Act of 2015
Shastady Wagner
VI.1.a. School Choice Appeal - Hicks
Shastady Wagner
The family appeals the rejection of their child's school choice application. The resident district, Augusta, denied the transfer based on reaching the 3% cap. The nonresident district is McCrory.
VI.2. Consideration of Requests for Act 1240 Waivers
Ivy Pfeffer
Pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-103 (Act 1240 of 2015), a traditional public school district may petition the State Board for waivers granted to an open-enrollment public charter school.
VI.2.a. Springdale School District Act 1240 Waiver Requests
Ivy Pfeffer
The Springdale School District requests district-wide waivers of teacher licensure, as well as class size and teaching load. The District seeks these waivers for five years.
VI.2.b. Blytheville School District Act 1240 Waiver Request
Karli Saracini/Melissa Jacks
The Blytheville School District requests district-wide waivers of teacher licensure, as well as class size and teaching load. The District seeks this waiver for three years.
VI.2.c. Magnolia School District Act 1240 Waiver
Karli Saracini/Melissa Jacks
The Magnolia School District requests a waiver of class size and teaching load to implement an Arkansas Teacher Residency Model program. The District is seeking this waiver only for the Fall semester of 2022.
VI.2.d. El Dorado School District Act 1240 Waiver Request
Karli Saracini/Melissa Jacks
The El Dorado School District requests a waiver of class size and teaching load to implement an Arkansas Teacher Residency Model program. The District is seeking this waiver only for the Fall semester of 2022.
VI.2.e. Hope School District Act 1240 Waiver Request
Karli Saracini/Melissa Jacks
The Hope School District requests a waiver of class size and teaching load to implement an Arkansas Teacher Residency Model program. The District is seeking this waiver only for the Fall semester of 2022.
VI.3. Consideration for Cross County High School A New Tech School Amendment Request
Dorie Summons, DESE Charter Director
Cross County High School A New Tech School is requesting a waiver for Class Size and Teaching Load and Rules Governing Standards for Accreditation.
VI.4. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waivers
Tally Harp
VI.4.a. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Mountain View.
The Mountain View School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the Tri-Region Consortium for K-8 and Red Comet for 9-12. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the consortium and Red Comet. Class size waiver is requested. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2024-2025 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 3 year approved plan for the 2021-2022 school year. Revisions were made to add K-8 to the Tri-Region consortium.
VI.4.b. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Concord.
The Concord School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the Tri-Region Consortium for K-8 and the district and Edgenuity for 9-12. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the consortium and the district. Class size waiver is requested. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2022-2023 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 1 year approved plan for the 2021-2022 school year. Revisions were made to add K-2 and TRVP for K-8.
VI.4.c. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Highland.
The Highland School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the Tri-Region Consortium for K-8 and Virtual Arkansas for 9-12. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the consortium and Virtual Arkansas. Class size waiver is requested. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2024-2025 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 3 year approved plan for the 2021-2022 school year. Revisions were made to add 6-8 to the Tri-Region consortium.
VI.4.d. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Blytheville.
The Blytheville School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the Tri-Region Consortium for K-6 and Virtual Arkansas for 9-12. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the consortium and Virtual Arkansas. Class size waiver is requested. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2025-2026 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 5 year approved plan for the 2021-2022 school year. Revisions were made to add 6th grade to the Tri-Region consortium.
VI.4.e. Consideration of Acct 1240 Digital Learning Waver for Melbourne.
The Melbourne School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the Tri-Region Consortium for K-8 and Virtual Arkansas for 9-12. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the consortium and Virtual Arkansas. Class size waiver is requested. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2025-2026 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 1 year approved plan for the 2021-2022 school year. Revisions were made to add 6-8 to the Tri-Region consortium.
VI.4.f. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Alpena.
The Alpena School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades 7-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by Virtual Arkansas. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by Virtual Arkansas. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2022-2023 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 1 year approved plan for the 2021-2022 school year. Revisions were made to remove 4-6 and change providers to Virtual Arkansas.
VI.4.g. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Ozark Mountain.
The Ozark Mountain School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the district K-6 and Virtual Arkansas for 7-12. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the district and Virtual Arkansas. Class size and teaching load are not requested. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2024-2025 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 3 year approved plan. Revisions were made to change 7-12 to Virtual Arkansas.
VI.4.h. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Lamar.
The Lamar School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the Guy Fenter Consortium for K-6 and Virtual Arkansas for 7-12. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the consortium and Virtual Arkansas. Class size and teaching load waivers are not requested. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2024-2025 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 1 year approved plan for the 2021-2022 school year. No revisions were made.
VI.4.i. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Prairie Grove.
The Prairie Grove School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-8. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by Lincoln Learning. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by Lincoln Learning. Class size and teaching load waivers are requested. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2025-2026 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district had a 3 year approved plan for the 2021-2022 school year. Revisions were made to change the LMS/CMS for K-6 from Florida Virtual to Lincoln Learning.
VI.4.j. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Southside Batesville Charter.
The Southside Batesville Charter (JH/HS) has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades 7-12. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the Tri-Region Consortium for 7-8 and the district and Virtual Arkansas for 9-12. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the consortium and Virtual Arkansas. The waiver is being requested through the end of the 2022-2023 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team and approved by the Charter Authorizing Panel. The district had a 3 year approved plan. Revisions were made to change 7-8 to TRVP. The plan will expire in the 23-24 school year.
VI.4.k. Consideration of Act 1240 Digital Learning Waiver for Rector.
The Rector School District has submitted a Digital Learning Program for students in grades K-6. The program will offer synchronous and asynchronous learning through a virtual approach using curriculum provided by the TRVP Consortium. Teachers are Arkansas State Certified and provided by the consortium. Class size waiver is requested. The waiver is being requested through the 2024-2025 school year. This application has been reviewed by the DESE team. The district has a 1 year approved plan that expired. No revisions were made to the previously approved plan.
VI.5. Consideration for emergency promulgation and public comment release: DESE Rules Governing Educator Licensure, Sections 1-2.0, 4-5.0, 4-6.0, and 4-8.0 only)
Lori Freno
The Division requests that the Board approve for emergency promulgation Sections 1-2.0, 4-5.0, 4-6.0, and 4-8.0 of the DESE Rules Governing Educator Licensure, pending Governor's Office approval. The Division also requests that these same sections be released for public comment (for permanent promulgation), pending Governor's Office approval.
VI.5.a. Licensure Assessment Updates and Recommendations
Dr. Ivy Pfeffer and Karli Saracini
VI.6. Helena West Helena System Analysis
Stacy Smith
The State Board of Education directed the DESE to conduct a system analysis of the Helena West Helena School District after being classified as In Need of Level 5 Support.
VII. New Business
VIII. Reports
Ouida Newton
VIII.1. Board Liaison Reports
Ouida Newton
VIII.2. ATOY Report
Jessica Saum
VIII.3. Commissioner's Report
Secretary Key
VIII.3.a. Lee County Report to the Public
Stacy Smith & Micheal Stone
Superintendent Stone will present Lee County's Report to the Public to the SBE and outline the successes and goals for the 22-23 school year.
IX. Public Comments
X. Adjournment