March 18, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Prayer/Flags
3. Student/Teacher Presentations
4. Audience with patrons
5. Campus Teacher and Staff member of the year
6. Informational Items
6.A. Administrators' Reports
6.B. Academic Progress Reports DHS and DJHS
6.C. Superintendent Report
6.D. Enrollment
7. Action items
7.A. Consider Consent Agenda
7.A.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
7.A.2. Financial Report
7.A.3. Disbursements
7.B. Pay Application
7.C. Consider approval of budget amendment and purchases of $25,000 or more
7.D. Consideration and possible action to authorize the Superintendent to negotiate and enter into a Rural Pathways Excellence Partnership (R-PEP, HB 2209) aligned performance agreement with ESC Region 16.
7.E. Consider/Approve Energy Efficiency and Conservation Project with E3 Entegral Solutions for an Amount not to Exceed $5,000,000.00 and Designate Superintendent Authority to Execute the Professional Services Agreement and BuyBoard Job Order Contract.
7.F. Consideration and possible approval of a donation of $4,500 from Kyle Grimsley for Football Helmets.
7.G. Consideration and possible approval of a donation of $3,500 to DHS Baseball for hotel rooms and meals from Dalhart Baseball Moms.
7.H. Consideration and possible approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification for 2025-2026
7.I. Consideration and possible approval of Out of State Travel for Migrant Conference.
7.J. Consideration and possible approval of out of state employee travel for the Innovative Schools Summit in July.
7.K. Matters Related to Personnel
7.K.1. Resignations
7.K.2. Employment
7.L. Consideration of Term and Dual Term Contracts
7.M. Safety
8. Adjournment