April 16, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Prayer/ Flags
3. Student/Teacher Presentations
4. Audience with patrons
5. Informational Items
5.A. Administrators' Reports
5.B. Enrollment
5.C. Report of Board of Trustees Training Hours
5.D. Superintendents' Report
5.E. Intruder Detection Audit Report Findings
The top priority of Dalhart ISD and the State of Texas is keeping students and staff safe every day. The TEA recently conducted an Intruder Detection Audit at one or more of our campuses. The audits test whether campus is accessible to an unauthorized individual. This audit seeks to help districts identify how campuses can improve safety for students, such as ensuring exterior doors are locked and provides an opportunity to create a safer learning environment for our students and staff.
We are working closely with our School Safety and Security Committee to ensure that we are training all our staff and securing our doors for the protection of everyone on our campuses. The support of the state in conducting the Intruder Detection Audits is just one of the many actions we are taking to ensure our schools are safe. We know that this work does not end, and we appreciate the Board's support. We acknowledge that parents and community members are interested in the details of the audit results. However, it is in the best interest of the students that we do not share this information with the broader public as it could lead to compromising important campus security information. Specific details of the Intruder Detection Audit will be discussed in the executive session and with the Safety and Security Committee. Dalhart ISD is committed to providing a safe and secure learning environment for our students and staff. |
6. Action items
6.A. Consider Consent Agenda
6.A.1. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)
6.A.2. Financial Report
6.A.3. Disbursements
6.B. Consider approval of budget amendment and purchases of $25,000 or more
6.C. Consideration and possible approval of the renewal of the Walsh Gallegos Retainer Program.
6.D. Matters Related to Personnel
6.D.1. Resignations
6.D.2. Employment
6.D.3. Consideration and possible action of Probationary, Dual Probationary, Term and Non-Certified personnel as presented.
6.D.4. Consideration and possible approval of contract for Director of ESL and State Testing.
6.D.5. Safety
6.D.6. Review Intruder Detection Audit Findings
7. Adjournment