September 19, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Prayer
3. Student/Teacher Presentations
4. Audience with:
4.A. Patrons
4.B. Students
4.C. Staff
5. Action Items
5.A. Consider Consent Agenda
5.A.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings
5.A.2. Financial Reports
5.A.3. Budget Amendments
5.A.4. Disbursements
5.B. Approve purchases of $25,000 and more
5.C. Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Adjunct Faculty Request
5.D. Nominations to Dallam CAD Board
5.E. Nominations to Hartley CAD Board
5.F. Revised School Calendar
6. Informational Items
6.A. Administrators' Reports
6.A.1. Police Chief
6.B. Teacher Certification Report
6.C. Program Evaluations
6.C.1. Gifted/Talented
6.C.2. ESL
6.C.3. Special Education
6.C.4. State Comp Ed/Title I
6.C.5. Career/Tech
6.D. District Stipends
7. Enrollment
8. Campus Improvement Plans
9. Discussion Items
9.A. Board Meeting Future Dates
10. The Board may retire to executive session at any time between the meeting's opening and adjournment for purposes of deliberating business as authorized in Texas Government Code, Title 5, Subchapter D, Sections 551.071-551.074 and 551.076. Action, if any, will be taken in open session. (Texas Government Code Chapter 551.102).
10.A. Employee Contracts
10.B. Extended Leave Requests
10.C. Superintendent Formative Evaluation
11. Adjournment