November 18, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I. Call Meeting to Order
Chair Hitchings
The Board Chair will call the meeting to order.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The Board Chair will lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
III. Roll Call
Chair Hitchings
The Board Chair will take roll call. A quorum must be established in order for the meeting to proceed.
Board Members: Tim Hitchings, Board Chair
Aaron Berg, Vice Chair Lynn Wedlund, Clerk Heidi Sprandel, Treasurer Gary Hawkins, Director Nikki Johnson, Director Carri Levitski, Director Ex Officio, Dr. Nate Rudolph, Superintendent Jillian Edblad, Student Representative |
IV. Approve Revised Agenda
Chair Hitchings
Once quorum has been established the Board Chair will request approval of the revised meeting agenda.
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve the revised meeting agenda. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
V. Communications/Recognition
VI. School Board Showcase
Rhonda Malecha
The CPS showcase will focus on how the pandemic has impacted instruction at Cambridge Primary School.
VII. Open Forum
Community Members
An opportunity for members of the community to address the Board.
VIII. Board Committees
Committee Members
A. Board Standing Committee Reports (minutes attached)
B. Board Representative Committee Reports C. Student Representative Board Report D. School Board Member Good News Report
IX. Administration Reports
Administration will provide an update to the School Board.
X. Non-Action Items
X.A. Post-Referendum Presentation
Superintendent Rudolph
Our community came out with strength to support our students and our schools at the November 2, 2021 election. Superintendent Rudolph will be presenting the results of the referendum.
XI. Consent Agenda
Chair Hitchings
A. October 14, 2021 Regular School Board Meeting
B. November 9, 2021 Special Session
C. Bills & Wire Transfers: A copy of the Bills & Wire Transfers is available for your review
D. Personnel Action: A summary of personnel actions for this month is attached, including hires, retirements, leaves of absence, and change in assignments, additional assignments, resignations and terminations.
Any items board members wish to have considered as a separate action? Board approval of consent agenda is needed.
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve the consent agenda. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
XII. Treasurer's Report
Heidi Sprandel
Heidi Sprandel, Board Treasurer, will give recommendation for treasurer’s report subject to audit. The Board Treasurer and Director of Finance and Operations meet once a month to review the previous month’s financial activity. Reports that are reviewed are the treasurer’s report, payment registers, and employee reimbursement report.
Recommended Motion(s):
To approve the treasurer's report subject to audit. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
XIII. Action Items
XIII.A. Gifts and Donations
Christopher Kampa
Therefore the Director of Finance and Operations recommends the following resolution:
Minnesota Statues 12B.02, Subd. 6 provides: "The board may receive, for the benefit of the district, bequests, donations, or gifts for any proper purpose and apply the same to the purpose designated. In that behalf, the board may act as trustee of any trust created for the benefit of the district, or for the benefit of pupils thereof, including trusts created to provide pupils of the district with advanced education after completion of high school, in the advancement of education."; and
School Board Policy 706 establishes guidelines for the acceptance of gifts/donations to the District; and Minnesota Statute 465.03 provides: "Any city, county, school district or town may accept a grant or devise of real or personal property and maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Nothing herein shall authorize such acceptance or use for religious or sectarian purposes. Every such acceptance shall be by resolution of the governing body adopted by a two-thirds majority of its members, expressing such terms in full."; and Every such acceptance shall be by resolution of the governing body adopted by a two-thirds majority of its members, expressing such terms in full; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the School Board of Cambridge-Isanti Schools, ISD 911 accept with appreciation the following gifts/donations and permit their use as designated by the donor(s).
Recommended Motion(s):
To adopt resolution to accept gifts, grants or devise of real or personal property. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
XIII.B. Reimbursement Resolution for Series 2022A Bonds
Christopher Kampa
The District proposes to issue tax-exempt general obligation facilities maintenance bonds to finance the costs of certain capital projects. The District reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures for certain costs of the Project from the proceeds of bonds in an estimated maximum principal amount of $15,300,000. All reimbursed expenditures will be capital expenditures, costs of issuance of the bonds, or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1.150-2(d)(3) of the Reimbursement Regulations. The bonds are expected to be issued in January or February, 2022.
Recommended Motion(s):
To adopt Resolution Declaring the Official Intent of the School District to Reimburse Certain Expenditures from the Proceeds of Bonds Issued by the School District. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
XIII.C. Intent Resolution to refund the Series 2012A General Obligation School Building Refunding Bonds
Christopher Kampa
The District issued its General Obligation School Building Refunding Bonds, Series 2012A in the original aggregate principal amount of $26,000,000 to refund in advance of their stated maturities, through a crossover refunding, the bonds maturing in the years 2016 through 2030, aggregating $25,545,000 in principal amount, of the District's General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2005A, dated February 1, 2005, and to pay interest on the Series 2012A Bonds up to and including February 1, 2015. The Series 2012A Bonds are currently outstanding in the principal amount of $15,100,000 of which $13,640,000 is currently subject to redemption on February 1, 2022.
Recommended Motion(s):
To adopt Resolution Stating the Intention of the School Board to Issue General Obligation School Building Refunding Bonds, Series 2022A, and Taking Other Actions with Respect Thereto. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
XIII.D. 2021-22 Minnesota State High School League Foundation Fund Request
Mark Solberg
RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BOARD SUPPORTING FORM A APPLICATION TO MINNESOTA STATE HIGH SCHOOL LEAGUE FOUNDATION WHEREAS, the Minnesota State High School League Foundation was formed to provide support for Minnesota's high school youth to participate in athletics and fine arts; WHEREAS, the Governing Board of Cambridge-Isanti Schools recognizes the value of student participation in extracurricular activities; and WHEREAS, the MSHSL Foundation is offering grants and funding to assist schools ·in recognizing, promoting and funding extracurricular participation by high school students in athletic and fine arts programs. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Governing Board of Cambridge-Isanti Schools supports the school's application to the Minnesota State High School League Foundation for a FORM A grant to offset student activity fees.
Recommended Motion(s):
To adopt resolution to request Minnesota State High School League Foundation funds for the 2021-22 school year. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
XIII.E. Move to Closed Session
Chair Hitchings
Adjourn to Closed Session for Negotiations per § Minnesota Statute 13D.03(b). The governing body of a public employer may by a majority vote in a public meeting decide to hold a closed meeting to consider strategy for labor negotiations, including negotiation strategies or developments or discussion and review of labor negotiations proposals, conducted pursuant to sections 179A.01 to 179A.25.
Recommended Motion(s):
To move to closed session pursuant § Minnesota Statute 13D.03(b). This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
XIII.F. Move to Open Session
Chair Hitchings
The board will return to open session at the conclusion of the closed session
Recommended Motion(s):
To move to open session. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.
XIV. Adjournment
Chair Hitchings
Adjourn meeting
Recommended Motion(s):
To adjourn meeting. This motion, made by Board Member #1 and seconded by Board Member #2, Passed.