August 24, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Approve Agenda
V. Communications/Recognition
VI. School Board Showcase
VII. Board Committees
VIII. Administration Reports
IX. Non-Action Items
IX.A. Superintendent Evaluation Report
IX.B. Policy #515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records
IX.C. Policy #709 - Student Transportation Safety Policy
IX.D. Policy #806 - Crisis Management Policy
X. Consent Agenda
XI. Treasurer's Report
XII. Action Items
XII.A. Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places
XII.B. 2017-2018 Health Insurance Carrier
XII.C. 2017-2018 Health Insurance Premiums
XII.D. 2017-2018 Dental Insurance Premiums
XII.E. 2017-2018 Vision Carrier (Optional Plan)
XII.F. Resolution to Change Health Reimbursement Arrangement Plan Year for Cambridge-Isanti Schools
XII.G. Resolution to Redesign and Adopt Cambridge-Isanti Schools Health Reimbursement Arrangement
XII.H. Policy #415 - Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
XII.I. Policy #522 - Student Sex Nondiscrimination
XII.J. Policy #533 - Local Wellness Policy
XII.K. 2017-2018 LEA Representative
XIII. Adjournment