December 10, 2021 at 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
3.A. Approval of Minutes: Regular Meeting November 5th, 2021
3.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers November 2021
3.C. Approval of Student Activity Balances for November 2021
3.D. Approval of the Coconino Association for Vocation Industry and Technology that the district’s FY 2022 BUDG25 Budget Verification Letter published to the ADE School Finance website
None for this meeting.
5.A. Acknowledgment and approval of donation from Sharon Hebestreit- Action Item
5.B. Discussion and Approval of Financial Support for Page CTE Teacher Professional Development, through Pima County JTED, for $100-Action Item
5.C. Discussion and Approval of calendar year 2022 Line of Credit renewals with JP Morgan, letter of Declaration for the CAVIAT District line of credit managed through the Treasurer’s Office-Action Item
5.D. Discussion and Possible Approval for Office Space and Meeting Space lease with Glen Canyon Outdoor Academy at CAVIAT's District Facility, 19 Poplar Street-Possible Action Item
5.E. Review of Coconino Community College’s intent to terminate the Fourth Street Lease, effective June 30, 2022-Non Action Item
5.F. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Grand Canyon USD IGA for 2021-2022, less the Exhibit A, proposed 21-22 budget (not yet provided)-Possible Action
5.G. Discussion and Possible Governing Board Approval of the CAVIAT CTED Compliance Visits for Fall 2021 based on the preliminary findings of the Fall 2021 ADE Compliance and Quality Visits/Reviews, for the following member school districts/sites: Fredonia-Moccasin, Flagstaff, Page, Grand Canyon and Williams-Action Item
5.H. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Central Campus Fall 2021 Compliance based on ADE's Fall 2021 Compliance and Quality Visits/Reviews-Possible Action Item
5.I. Discussion regarding professional development and engagement opportunities for governing board members- Non Action Item
5.J. Review and Discussion of the current CAVIAT Governing Board approved goals-Non-Action Item
5.K. Discussion Regarding Upcoming Board Officer Elections and associated process in January as per statute- Non Action Item
5.L. Suggested Future Agenda Items- Non Action Item
6.A. Governing Board
6.B. Superintendent
6.B.1) Update on Current District Audits
6.B.2) Current Events
7. CALENDAR OF EVENTS The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for January 14th, 2021 at 9am, in Flagstaff, 3000 N 4th Street.
8. ADJOURNMENT - Action Item