June 10, 2016 at 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting & Public Hearing
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
1.C. Special Presentation-FY14 and FY15 Biennial Audit Review- Ms. Cristi Swan, CPA (via teleconference)
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
3. PUBLIC HEARING-Third Revision of the 2015-2016 Maintenance and Operation and Capital Budgets
3.A. Call to Order of Public Hearing
3.B. Review of third revision of the 2015-2016 Maintenance and Operation and Capital Budgets Claudina Douglas, owner of ADI – Claudina Douglas– Non Action Item
3.C. Call for Questions and Discussion
3.D. Adjournment of Public Hearing/ Call to Order of regular meeting
3.E. Approval of third revision of the 2015-2016 Maintenance and Operation and Capital Budgets - Action Item
4. PUBLIC HEARING-2016-2017 Proposed Maintenance Operating Budget and Capital Budgets
This will be the preliminary budget presentation for the FY 2016-17 budget. After the hearing, Board action is required to adopt the "proposed" budget. In July, a final Board vote will conclude the process.
4.A. Call to Order of Public Hearing
4.B. Review of 2016-2017 Proposed Maintenance Operating Budget and Capital Budgets – Claudina Douglas– Non Action Item
4.C. Call for Questions and Discussion
4.D. Adjournment of Public Hearing/ Call to Order of regular meeting
4.E. Approval of proposed budget for FY2016-2017 budget – Action Item
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
5.A. Approval of Minutes: May 9, 2016 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
5.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers
5.C. Approval of CAVIAT School Calendar for FY2015-2016 for Fredonia and Grand Canyon
5.D. Approval of CAVIAT Central Campus Programs for 2016-2017
5.E. Approval of 2016-2017 Student Handbook for CAVIAT Central Campus Programs
5.F. Approval of the intergovernmental agreements for 2016-2017 with some or all of the following member districts: Flagstaff Unified School District, Fredonia-Moccasin Unified District, Grand Canyon Unified School District, Page Unified School District and Williams Unified School District
5.G. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Northland Preparatory Academy, for 2016-2017, for our Central Campus programs delivered via Coconino Community College
5.H. Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with College America-Flagstaff Campus, for 2016-2017, for CAVIAT Central Campus program Certified Nursing Assistant.
5.I. Approval of 3rd Party Vendor, ADI, for Payroll Services and Accounts Payable and Budgeting Services for CAVIAT JTED for fiscal year 2016-2017
5.J. Approval of the Governing Board to delegate the authority to certify CAVIAT's projected ending cash balance to the District Superintendent
From the Coconino County School Superintendent's office:
It is that time of the year once again that the Arizona Legislature requires a county school superintendent to report annual estimate of monies pursuant to A.R.S. 15-991 (B) (3). This will be the last year to complete the certified ending cash balance per HB 2481. Here are some quick reminders:Each Governing Board President must certify the projected ending cash balance, adjusted encumbrances, and payables from the fiscal year that ends on June 30, 2016. The Governing Board may delegate the authority to certify your school district’s projected ending cash balance to the District Superintendent or the Business Manager. Once certified, the projection will be reported to the Property Tax Oversight Commission (PTOC) at the Arizona Department of Revenue. I have attached a form that will allow your district to certify its projected ending cash balance for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2016. If the authority to certify this form is delegated to the District Superintendent or the Business Manager, a copy of the Governing Board meeting minutes must be included with the attached form or the signed resolution. Attached is a resolution form for the Governing Board to sign indicating that the authority was delegated and to whom. To reiterate, a signed resolution will replace the Governing Board minutes each fiscal year. The approved resolution will not expire; unless a new resolution is adopted (This request does not pertain to your district if the resolution was completed last fiscal year). In terms of timelines, our office must file in writing the estimated amount of school monies required by a school district for the ensuing year no later than July 25, 2016. Because of the deadline given and the number of participating entities, we are asking your district to return the signed projected ending cash balance certification form to our office on or before July 18, 2016. |
5.K. Accept resignation of Rebekah Dellisanti, CAVIAT Administrative Assistant
5.L. Accept resignation of Dr. Susan Rieck, Medical Professions Foundation Instructor
5.M. Approval of Arizona Trust Coverage and Associated Services for 2016-2017
5.N. Approval of Tyler Technologies Schoolmaster Licenses and associated costs for 2016-2017
5.O. Approval of Tyler Technologies as sole source vendor for Schoolmaster Student Information Management System for FY17
6.A. Second Reading of ASAB Policy Advisories 548—551- Action Item
548 – BDF – Advisory Committees – Under Arizona’s Open Meeting Law, board
subcommittees are subject to the same provisions of the as the governing board. This includes the ability to meet in an executive session if for one of the authorized reason in the law and all procedures have been met. This change to Policy BDF clarifies this. 549 – JK – Student Discipline - Policy language pertaining to Restraint and Seclusion in Policy JK has been deleted and moved to Policy JLDB. Restraint and Seclusion are not intended to be disciplinary options; therefore, a stand-alone policy allows easier access to the provisions and limitations in statute sans the additional language offered in the discipline documents. 550 – JLDB, JLDV-EA, EB, EC, ED – Restraint and Seclusion - Restraint and Seclusion, subsequent to its deletion from Policy JK, has been added to the policy manual as a distinct document code in order to eliminate the linking of these methods to the disciplinary options covered in Policy JK, Student Discipline. The statutory provisions of A.R.S. 15-105 are retained. Four exhibits are added to the policy for district use in documenting the requirements and implementation of Restraint and Seclusion. 551 – KG – Community Use of School Facilities - Policy KF is modified to add language requiring that the School District, its Governing Board, employees, and agents shall be named as an additional insured under the liability insurance policy during the use of the facilities and property. This change is necessary to limit costs and expenses when named as a defendant for an injury or damage resulting from the use of the facility. |
6.B. Discussion and Approval Regarding CAVIAT Governing Board Schedule for 2016-2017- Action Item
7.A. Approval of Biennial Audit for fiscal years 2014 and 2015 (as presented at the June 10th, 2016 meeting by Cristi Swan, CPA)- Action Item
7.B. Consideration and Approval of Revisions to Board Travel requests for SY 16/17 per Policy BIBA-Action Item
7.C. Approval of 2016 Delegate and Alternate Delegate for September 10,2016 ASBA Delegate Assembly in Scottsdale - Action Item
It should be noted that this is not an obligatory function of any school Board but rather an opportunity to be represented in the process ASBA uses to establish legislative priorities.
As is customary, we like to identify a Board member and alternate to serve at the ASBA delegate assembly in September. This person will represent CAVIAT and help establish legislative priorities for the year. Those who are willing to serve are encouraged to express their interests so that the nomination and approval process may be accomplished. Since Elouise is attending this conference, I would like to suggest her as our delegate. |
7.D. Consideration and Approval for the Coconino County Elections Office to use the CAVIAT Central Campus in Page, Az as a polling location for the upcoming elections- Action Item
7.E. Consideration to award Audit Services Contract for annual audit :FY2016- Action Item
I recommend we go with C. Christine Swan's proposal.
7.F. Discussion and consideration to direct staff to investigate rental space in Page, Az for office and classroom space-Possible Action Item
7.G. Suggested Future Agenda Items- Non Action Item
8.A. Governing Board
8.B. Superintendent
8.B.1) Update on Central Campus program enrollment and teaching position for 2016-2017
8.B.2) Update on the CAVIAT job vacancies
8.B.3) Update on Senate Bill 1525
9. CALENDAR OF EVENTS The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 14th 2016 at 9am. This meeting will also be held via teleconference.
10. ADJOURNMENT - Action Item