August 8, 2014 at 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting & Work Study Session
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
3.A. Approval of Minutes: July 11, 2014 Regular Meeting & Public Hearing
3.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers
3.C. Designate Brent Neilson, Superintendent, as the qualified evaluator for SY 2014/2015
Per Policy GCO Evaluation of Professional Staff Members, "The Board will designate qualified evaluators by name or position at a Board meeting each year."
4.A. Governing Board
4.A.1) Report on attendance at ASBA (Arizona School Boards Association) Summer Leadership Institute- Chairman Beckerleg
4.B. Superintendent
4.B.1) General Report
4.B.1)a. Central Campus Programs
4.B.1)b. Colorado City
4.B.2) Update on Transwestern Union Tax Settlement (Christina Russell)
Christina's note: Transwestern Pipeline requested, at the last minute, that all entities repay their tax judgments over a 3-year period. The County Treasurer's Office scrambled to collect all districts' end of year cash balances so as to know how to adjust next year's qualifying tax rate. Although CAVIAT has an established .05 levy, they still wanted this information and wanted all Boards to approve within a few days' deadline OR have the Superintendent exercise his authority to oversee financial duties and sign in behalf of the Board, which Brent did. The attached policy allows the Superintendent to exercise such authority in dealing with a short timeline financial obligation. Also, this was a situation of which the Board had been apprised and the request was a technical one.
4.B.3) Update on lawsuit requiring State to fund inflation for schools (Christina Russell)
Recently the Superior Court ruled in favor of restoring long-delayed
inflation funding for public schools from the State of Arizona. This is a big win for school districts and charter schools because the ruling basically states that the legislature must reset the Base Level to reflect inflation and the Base Level makes up the majority of most budgets (for CAVIAT this year it is 92.5% of our budget). AASBO (Arizona Assn of School Business Officials) recently provided this explanation: “Questions on implementation and how the state might be required to make corrections for not funding inflation in prior years are still being reviewed and also Governor Brewer announced that the state will definitely appeal the decision. However, the decision is clear in a few areas. First, had the base level for prior years been properly adjusted the base level without teacher comp for last school year should have been $3,559.62 instead of $3,326.54. That means the base level for last year was $203.08 too low or 7% too low. The court said that for setting the 2014-15 base level the State shall increase the corrected 2013-14 base level of $3,559.62 by inflation. We estimate that if the base level was set at the correct level for 2014-15 the base level amount should have been $3,609.45 instead of the current 2014-15 base level of $3,373.11.This would increase the base level without teacher comp for this year by $236.34 or 7%.Using this higher base level amount will give you an estimate of what additional funding you might expect if and when the State complies with the court requirement to adjust the 2014-15 base level to reflect actual inflation in prior years. When the changes from the ruling might take place is not known but it is expected that the state will pursue ways to delay it as long as possible which means that we may not know the specifics of how the state will address the court ruling and state funding implications until the 2015 Legislative Session is completed. What this means for CAVIAT funding: If we receive an increase of 7% for this 2014-2015 fiscal year, it could be as much as $145,000. Since we don’t know if and how any retroactive funding will be paid, I’ll wait before I calculate any of those projections. It’s very exciting news and I’ll keep you posted with updates. |
5.A. Second Reading and Adoption of Policy BEC Executive Sessions/Open Meetings- Action Item
6.A. Review of ASBA (Arizona School Board Association) Priorities for Delegate Assembly (to be held in September)- Discussion Item Only
6.B. Consideration to revise current board meeting schedule- Action Item
Please see attached draft for proposed changes.
6.C. Consideration to hire Ms. Cristy Auble for the CAVIAT Central Campus Fashion Design program-Flagstaff- Action Item
6.D. Consideration to Approve the Teacher Evaluation Instrument for SY 14/15- Action Item
As per GCO Evaluation of Professional Staff Members:
The District evaluation instrument will utilize the required elements of the model framework for a teacher and principal evaluation instrument adopted by the State Board of Education that includes quantitative data on student academic progress that accounts for between thirty-three percent (33%) and fifty percent (50%) of the evaluation outcomes. The model framework shall include four (4) performance classifications, designated as highly effective, effective, developing and ineffective. |
6.E. Grant permission to the Superintendent and/or Business Manager to amend classroom rental agreement with FUSD for SY 14/15 (First Amendment) - Action Item
Classroom space not to exceed 1600 sq ft at $.60 per sq. ft.
The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 12, 2014 at 9 a.m. The meeting will be held via teleconference. |
8. ADJOURNMENT of Regular Meeting - Action Item
9.A. Call to order
9.B. Boardmanship and Strategic Planning (by Mike Aylstock of The Trust/Az School Risk Retention)
9.C. Adjournment