July 11, 2014 at 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting & Public Hearing-*REVISED
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
3.A. Review of 2014-2015 Proposed Maintenance Operating Budget and Capital Budgets – Christina Russell – Non Action Item
This is the same budget that was approved on June 13, 2014 with no changes.
3.B. Call for Questions and Discussion
3.C. Adjournment of Public Hearing/ Call to Order of regular meeting
3.D. Adoption of budget for FY2014-2015– Action Item
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
4.A. Approval of Minutes: June 13, 2014 Regular Meeting, Public Hearing and Executive Session
June 20, 2014 Special Meeting and Executive Session |
4.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers
4.C. 2014-2015 Student Handbook (for central programs)
4.D. Renewal of ECONA (Economic Collaborative of Northern Arizona) membership fees $2000 (thru June 30, 2015) from Fund 530/Gifts & Donations
ECoNA is a great supporter and partner in our workforce development efforts. They have always included CAVIAT at the table when discussing the youth pipeline and work readiness. They have supported us financially with a $50,000 grant that allowed us to offer a Workplace Success Mini Camp, the Northern Arizona CTE Career Expo, and the Monster.com Entrepreneurship workshop that we offered to our students countywide. They are a membership organization asking for only $2000 when most others are asked to contribute $10, 000. We currently sit on their education sector committee along with FUSD, NAU and CCC. They all contribute the same amount. The $2000 payment will actually come from the balance of funds they contributed. New balance after this payment will be $2200.
4.E. Approval of Tyler Technologies as sole source vendor for Schoolmaster Student Information Management System for FY15
5.A. Governing Board
5.B. Superintendent
5.B.1) Legislative Agenda/JTED Superintendents' Retreat Update
5.B.2) Review of 2013-2014 Central Programs Exit Survey
5.B.3) Update on dedicated T1 line at our district office.
CenturyLink recently contacted Mr. Twyford to express that they could not hold to their quote.
Mr. Twyford, after working with our e-rate reps, was informed he could pursue a new quote. Here is the breakdown provided by AireSpring: -There is no increase in monthly cost, actually they are slightly less than Century Link ($487/$495). -There is a connection charge, Century Link had said it would be $500. AireSpring can’t give us a price at this point, but they did check for anything that might drive that cost to an extreme and nothing is apparent. |
5.B.4) Update on e-Readers for central programs
Mr. Twyford is currently prepping all the devices for SY 14/15. We do not anticipate having to purchase any new devices based on current enrollment.
We are also looking at the Chromebook as a possible future replacement based on user interface, expanded features, cost, and student climate data feedback. |
5.B.5) CAVIAT staff goals for SY 14/15 (draft)
1. Marketing and Public Relations-branding
Local District Relationships Recruitment and Retention Coordination of community calendars-identify the “big ones” Public Releases/website/newsletter Uniform materials “CONTROL OUR IMAGE” 2. District Committees Business and Industry Committee Citywide Advisory Committee Central Campus Student Advisory Committee (Flagstaff) Program Specific Advisory Committees 3. New Central Campus Program Development Extended day programs/hybrids Investigate Distance Learning Develop and implement Central Programs throughout the district |
5.B.6) Board member training services offered by the Arizona Risk Retention/The Trust
Mike Aylstock, with the Trust, has a number of presentations for governing boards and leadership teams. If there are areas you wish to explore not on the below list, he is pleased to develop those presentations from scratch for CAVIAT. Each presentation is personalized to meet the needs of the respective districts.
Some of the presentations he has done that may apply to the CAVIAT district are: Boardsmanship Open Meeting Law and Executive Session Strategic Planning using the SMART Goals Model Developing Mission and Vision Statements Policies, Procedures, and Protocols Board Relationships with Superintendent, Staff, and Community Harassment in the Workplace Mandatory Reporting Requirements for Child Abuse |
6.A. Second Reading and Adoption of updated CAVIAT Policies (all)- Action Item
6.B. Approval of Biennial Audit for fiscal years 2012 and 2013 (as presented at June 13, 2014 meeting by Cristi Swan, CPA)- Action Item
7.A. Consideration to approve employee contract for Colette Cox for FY2014-2015- Action Item
Colette will be providing support to CAVIAT and Colorado City Unified School District, during the joint district expansion, assuming the GB approves Colorado City joining CAVIAT. Also, Colette would like to assist CAVIAT in future marketing efforts, expanding course offerings, strengthening satellite programming and increasing student retention.
7.B. Resignation of Board Member Tristan Heisley - Williams and Resignation of Board Member John Echols -Flagstaff - Action Item
7.C. Consideration to approve Chuck Sharp to develop curriculum for the Marine Technologies Program for FY2014-2015- Action Item
Mr. Sharp will help the CAVIAT district, in partnership with local Marine Technology business and industry partners, develop the first year of curriculum and scope/sequence for a Marine Tech Central Campus program. Mr. Sharp will review available textbooks, manuals, curriculum, and equipment lists to help frame the CAVIAT Central Campus program for year 1 (to be delivered to students SY 15/16). He will paid $25 per hour, not to exceed 8 hours per week (unless prior approval is given by Business Manager or Superintendent).
7.D. Consideration to approve Central Campus Nursing Services/Healthcare foundations course for SY14/15 and consent for Superintendent to hire instructor prior to next regular meeting - Action Item
7.E. Consideration to approve Central Campus Fashion Design Program for SY 14/15 and consent for Superintendent to hire instructor prior to next regular meeting- Action Item
7.F. Consideration to approve enlarging the CAVIAT Joint District with the addition Colorado City Unified School District - Action Item
7.G. Consideration to revise FY2015 Board Meeting Schedule as follows: 1) Change October 9, 2014 meeting location from Grand Canyon to Page 2) Change August 8, 2014 meeting start time - Discussion and Possible Action Item
Changing the October 9 location will enable Board members to attend the ASBA County Workshop, which will be held on the same date in Page.
7.H. First Reading of Policy BEC Executive Sessions/Open Meetings – Non-Action Item
The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, August 8, 2014 at 10 a.m. (meeting time may be changed pending Board approval). |
9. ADJOURNMENT - Action Item