September 13, 2013 at 10:00 AM - Regular Meeting REVISED AGENDA
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
3.A. Approval of Minutes: August 9, 2013 Regular Meeting
3.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers
4.A. Governing Board
4.A.1) Report on attendance at ASBA (Arizona School Board Association) Law Conference and Delegate Assembly- David Beckerleg and Jerry Williams
4.A.2) Report on Coconino Community College Foundation Breakfast- Lee Treece
4.A.3) Arizona Educational Foundation Teacher of the Year/Coconino County Teacher of the Year -Lee Treece
4.A.4) Newspaper article about Board Member Heisley- Lee Treece
4.B. Superintendent
4.B.1) Legislative Report
4.B.2) October 1, 2013 presentation in Flagstaff by Rep. Chester Crandall regarding restructuring funding for schools
4.B.3) Update on student enrollment growth funding for FY12-13 (Christina Russell)
4.B.4) CTE Program Coordinator Reports
4.B.4)a. Mr. Michael Twyford
4.B.4)a.(1) Marine Tech- talked to AMTECH Education committee chairman and Jim Hunter is working on some curriculum, too.
2) Industrial Mechanics class didn't run this semester, only 5 students. Northland Pioneer College wants 10 to run the class.Limited interest with plant future uncertain, but they have overcome some major hurdles recently. 3) Will be addressing the Page USD board on October 8th. 4) Page High School Reality Check date: March 13, 2014. 5) Other things I’ve been doing: new server; tablet project with CCC students; E-rate Funding Year 12 invoicing ($3574.65) |
5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS- None for this meeting.
6.A. Review and approval of 2012-2013 Annual Financial Report- Action Item
This report is NOT included in your board packets as Christina is still finalizing. It will be forthcoming in the next few days. The Report requires Board approval. |
6.B. Consideration to approve intergovernmental agreement with satellite district: Flagstaff Unified School District for 2013-2014 - Action Item
Christina's comments: As of Thursday morning I still had not yet received the needed budgets from FUSD to finalize the IGA for your review and approval. But there is still a chance I may be able to send a final copy before the board meeting. |
6.C. First Reading of Policies (Non-Action Item):
BEDB- Agenda CBCA- Delegated Authority CBI- Evaluation of Superintendent CM- School District Financial Report DJE- Bidding/Purchasing Procedures EBAA- Reporting of Hazards/Warning Systems EBBB- Accident Reports EBC- Emergencies GBI-Staff Participation in Political Activities GCFC-Professional Staff Certification and Credentialing Requirements IGB-R Special Instructional Programs IMG-Animals in Schools JLCB-Immunizations of Students JLCD-Medicines/Administering Medicines to Students JLF-Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection KHA-Public Solicitations in Schools GBED-Smoking by Staff Members JICG-Tobacco Use by Students KFAA-Smoking on School Premises at Public Functions
This would constitute our first reading of the policies. I have read through each of them and by the time we revisit this in October, I should be able to recommend which of these we may ignore, modify or adopt as presented. |
6.D. Review and Finalize October 17, 2013 Retreat Agenda- Discussion and Action Item
The agenda is NOT included in your board packets as I am still finalizing it. It too will be forthcoming in the next few days.
6.E. Future amendment of intergovernmental agreement with Fredonia-Moccasin USD for SY2013-2014- Discussion Item Only
The next combined Regular Board Meeting and Board Retreat is scheduled for Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 12 p.m. in Grand Canyon, Arizona at Grand Canyon School. |
7.A. October 17, 2013- ASBA County Workshop Grand Canyon Thunderbird Lodge (CAVIAT hosting)
8. ADJOURNMENT - Action Item