August 9, 2013 at 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting REVISED AGENDA
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
3.A. Approval of Minutes: July 12, 2013 Regular Meeting & Public Hearing
3.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers
4.A. Governing Board
4.A.1) Report on attendance at JTED/ACTE (Arizona Career and Technical Education) Meeting in Tucson - Mr. Treece
4.B. Superintendent
4.B.1) Classroom Site Fund/Prop 301 Update
4.B.2) CTE Coordinators' Reports
4.B.2)a. Ms. Christine Mayer
We have listed all of the policies in this most recent ASBA advisory for your perusal. At the meeting, I will report to you which of them do not apply to us at this time. (Incidentally, I checked with my colleagues to see if any other district was up for a policy review so that we could do it jointly to save time and money. As it turned out, CAVIAT is the only JTED currently up for review, but I'll check one more time as some JTED's were not at our Tucson meeting.)
5.A. Second Reading and Adoption of Policies – Action Item
DKB-Salary Deductions EBC-Emergencies GCQE-Retirement of Professional Staff Members IKF-EB Graduation Requirements (Augmentation Points Calculations) JK-Student Discipline Policy Alert for Policy GCCC- Professional/Support Staff Leaves of Absence Without Pay (Fewer than fifty employees) GCJ- Professional Staff Probationary and Continuing Status GCK-Professional Staff Assignments and Transfers GCO-Evaluation of Professional Staff Members
6.A. Consideration to approve intergovernmental agreements with satellite districts for 2013-2014: Fredonia-Moccasin USD, Grand Canyon SD, Page USD and Williams USD- Action
We have been working on some slight revisions in the IGA's with districts that offer central programs in conjunction with CCC. Depending on the final tuition rate established with the college for next year, we may be asking districts sending students to these programs to "backfill" shortfalls as we have with FUSD in the past. However, the amounts will be drastically reduced from what they were in the past. This will also apply to charter school agreements. More on this at our meeting.
6.B. Approval of SY2013-2014 Central Program Student Handbook- Action Item
We believe we have drafted a handbook to be distributed to students and parents on Aug 5 and Aug 6 that addresses all of the issues we encountered last year. That's not to say others may arise but we have a pretty tight process in place that should help us assist students who have a desire to deviate from our programs and at the same time keep us compliant with State regulations. Christine did considerable research to find other JTED handbooks which deal with similar situations. We much appreciate the input from FUSD, CCC staff, and our attorney to help us derive the most recent copy.
6.C. Consideration to change date and/or time of September 13, 2013 regular meeting (due to schedule conflict with Coconino Community College breakfast meeting)- Discussion and Possible Action Item
If we can change the start time of the meeting from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., there will be no need to change the date.
6.D. Consideration to appoint one CAVIAT Board member to the CAVIAT Classroom Site Fund Committee- Action Item
We are planning to expend some cumulated monies in our 301 Site Fund which we've never been able to utilize previously. Recently, ADE officials have rendered a more favorable interpretation as to how these funds can be utilized by JTED districts which currently do not have any teachers who are employed directly by the JTED. In our case, the preponderance of the revenue can be used to provide training for our member districts teachers. In order to access this revenue, we must have a committee comprised of an administrator, a staff employee and one Board member. We are asking for someone to serve on that committee.
The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 13, 2013 at 9 a.m. via teleconference. (Date and/or time subject to change.) |
8. ADJOURNMENT - Action Item