June 28, 2013 at 9:00 AM - Regular Meeting, Public Hearing & Possible Executive Session
Agenda |
1.A. Moment of Silent Meditation
1.B. Approval of the Agenda – Action Item
1.C. Special Presentations: Dr. Russ Rothamer, VP Academic Affairs, Coconino Community College (Discussion about CAVIAT tuition rates and fees)
Dr. Rothamer will join us to discuss the current funding arrangement and answer questions. We are pleased that he would take the time to make the trip to Page and anticipate that this will afford all of us an opportunity to better understand the College's financial needs and structure. He is aware that CAVIAT may no longer be able to afford to send students to CCC after the upcoming SY 2013-14 due to the high costs and the enrollment of non-FUSD sponsored students. Hopefully, this meeting will lead to the development of strategies to avoid terminating those opportunities.
2. CALL TO THE PUBLIC - Any person wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item will be granted time to make a presentation at the discretion of the presiding chairperson. Action taken as a result of public input will be limited to directing staff to study the matter for consideration or decision at a later time. Individual remarks may be limited to three minutes.
3.A. Review of 2013-2014 Proposed Maintenance Operating Budget and Capital Budgets – Christina Russell – Non Action Item
3.B. Call for Questions and Discussion
3.C. Adjournment of Public Hearing/ Call to Order of regular meeting
3.D. Approval of proposed budget for FY2013-2014 budget – Action Item
Note: All or individual items may be pulled from the consent agenda and discussed individually. |
4.A. Approval of Minutes: May 3, 2013 Regular Meeting and Public Hearing
4.B. Approval of expense and payroll vouchers
4.C. Approval of CAVIAT School Calendar for FY2013-2014
4.D. Approval of sole source vendor for Schoolmaster Student Information Management System for FY14: Tyler Technologies
4.E. Renewal of Cleaning Services Contract by Ms. Valorie Twyford for FY2013-2014 for $5400 (3rd year of 5-year contract)
4.F. Acceptance of donated Cosmetology equipment from Grey Hills Academy
4.G. Approval of intergovernmental agreement with Coconino Community College for Dual Enrollment Courses for FY2013-2014- Action Item
There is no change in cost or content from last year.
4.H. Approval of intergovernmental agreement with West-Mec JTED to act as fiscal agent for lobbyist services for FY2013-2014- Action Item
There is no change in cost or content from last year.
5.A. Governing Board
5.A.1) Report on attendance at NSBA (National School Board Association) Conference (continued from last meeting)– Chairman Echols
5.B. Superintendent
5.B.1) Legislative Update
For a change, we have ample good news regarding legislative items!
5.B.2) JTED Superintendent Retreat
5.B.3) Morrison Institute Report: http://morrisoninstitute.asu.edu/publications-reports/2013-on-the-rise-21st-century-career-and-technical-education-pathways
5.B.4) CTE Program Coordinator Reports
5.B.4)a. Christine Mayer (10 minutes)
5.B.4)a.(1) Report on attendance at 2013 ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Conference (joint report with Mr. Twyford)
5.B.4)a.(2) Update on Grand Canyon High School CTE Programs
5.B.4)a.(3) Update on Flagstaff USD CTE Programs
5.B.4)a.(4) Miscellaneous Activities:
Newspaper articles about CAVIAT students Coconino Community College Commencement Ceremony The Arizona We Want 2.0 Presentation CAVIAT display booth at the Forward Focus Career Expo |
5.B.4)b. Michael Twyford (10 minutes)
5.B.4)b.(1) Page HS Reality Check big success
5.B.4)b.(2) Marine Tech Program - working with AMTECH (Assoc. of Marine Technicians) to develop program
5.B.4)b.(3) One of our Industrial Mechanics students, a PHS grad in 2011, got job w/ road crew paving N20
5.B.4)c. Colette Cox (10 minutes)
6.A. Approval of FY2013-2014 board meeting schedule (including discussion of holding a retreat in conjunction with one of the meetings)- Action Item
7. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Vote to convene in Executive Session for:
All employees will have been notified of the possibility that they will be discussed during executive session. As a reminder, they may individually request the meeting be held in public. The Board also has the discretion to not enter executive session for all or individual employees.
7.A. Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 A (1) Personnel matters regarding the Superintendent’ contract for FY2013-2014
7.B. Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 A (1) Personnel matters regarding employee contract for Christina Russell for FY 2013-2014
7.C. Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 A (1) Personnel matters regarding employee contract for Christine Mayer for FY 2013-2014
7.D. Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 A (1) Personnel matters regarding employee contract for Michael Twyford for FY 2013-2014
7.E. Pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 A (1) Personnel matters regarding employee contract for Colette Cox for FY 2013-2014
7.F. The Board will convene in open session.
For Items A-E, there are no changes in salary amounts for any of the employees to include myself for this upcoming year. Essentially, these are contract renewals without modifications of any kind.
8.A. Approval of employee contract for Superintendent Jac Heiss for FY2013-2014– Action Item
8.B. Approval of employee contract for Christina Russell for FY2013-2014- Action Item
8.C. Approval of employee contract for Christine Mayer for FY2013-2014- Action Item
8.D. Approval of employee contract for Michael Twyford for FY2013-2014- Action Item
8.E. Approval of employee contract for Colette Cox for FY2013-2014- Action Item
8.F. Consideration of options and approval for legal representation for FY2013-2014 by either the Office of the County Attorney for FY2013-2014 (no cost) or The Trust Prepaid Legal Services (Cost:$2508)- Action Item
Christina's comments: The initial $2508 buy-in amount covers most of the legal expenses we would have if we were using the using service reasonably (like some IGA and contract reviews), and if we do not have large cases that require a lot of legal attention.
Overall, the contribution ends up being calculated based on the average of our three year usage. Since the cost is driven by usage, if we use the service minimally, we will not pay out on top of our contribution, and may even see a decrease in the following year. If we must use it extensively, our loss ratio will drive the rate up and we may pay more on top of the initial buy-in. The Trust’s in-house council assigns the attorneys to the districts and keeps track of the time used and the loss averages to help determine where the district may be in years to come. Because the program has been around for a few years, some districts that had heavy usage began to see increases this year, while others decreased. The program was designed to keep legal costs down for districts, and also keep things out of court that don’t necessarily need to end up there, costing the district more money. |
8.G. Consideration to award Audit Services Contract for two biennail audits:FY2012,2013 and FY2013, 2014- Action Item
8.H. Approval of board travel for FY2014 (per policy BIBA)- Action Item
We have included your conference preferences in the attached list.
8.I. Consideration to approve purchase of e-readers for central program students- Discussion and Possible Action Item
By supplying students with e-readers, we anticipate that the first year will be cost neutral, followed by years of savings until e-readers need to repurchased. Last year, our textbooks costs were approximately $32,000. Often these printed textbooks become obsolete after just one year due to updated information in newer editions or simply at the discretion of the instructors. The e-reader platform will allow instructors the flexibility to acquire the most current instructional materials and at the same time, free up scarce resources that can be better used to further enhance existing programs or create new offerings. |
8.J. Discussion of policy and procedure related to handling extenuating circumstances when student issues arise- Discussion and possible action item
The next Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 12, 2013 at 9 a.m. in Page. This meeting will be held via teleconference. |
10. ADJOURNMENT - Action Item