December 2, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Pledge Allegiance
I.C. Approval of Agenda
II. Awards and Recognitions
II.A. Student Recognition: Aubrey Atkins, Kindergartener Owen Elementary
II.B. Student Recognition: Brooklynn Grant, 1st Grader Owen Elementary
II.C. Student Recognition: Sarah Phoungmachanh, 3rd Grader Owen Elementary
II.D. Student Recognition: Pharrell Humphrey, 4th Grader Owen Elementary
II.E. Student Recognition: Jaymere Cordero, 5th Grader Owen Elementary
III. Recognition of Elected Officials
IV. Consent Agenda Items
IV.A. Suspension and Expulsion Report
IV.B. Closed Session Meeting Minutes - 11/04/24
IV.C. Closed Session Meeting Minutes - 11/18/24
IV.D. Regular Board Meeting Minutes - 11/18/24
V. Information from the Superintendent and Administration
V.A. Interim Superintendent's Report
V.A.1. Reports
V.A.1.a. 2024 School Index Reports - Presenter Dr. Jaronique Devezin & Jennifer Dean
V.A.1.b. C & I Updates: Owen Elementary and Alcott Elementary
V.A.2. Discussion Items
V.A.2.a. Service Contract: Brainspring - Phonics First Training - Presenters Dr. Jaronique Devezin and Dyan Perez
V.A.3. Action Items
V.A.3.a. Approval of the Service Contract: Brainspring - Phonics First Training
VI. Regular Working Agenda
VI.A. Board of Education
VI.A.1. Reports
No Items
VI.A.2. Discussion Items
VI.A.2.a. New Policy Regarding Board Trustee Use of Social Media - 2nd Reading - Presenters VP Kenyada Bowman and Attorney Darryl Segars
VI.A.3. Action Items
VI.A.3.a. Approval of New Policy Regarding Board Trustee Use of Social Media - 2nd Reading
VI.B. Finance Items
VI.B.1. Reports
VI.B.2. Discussion Items
VI.B.3. Action Items
VI.C. General Counsel/Human Resources Items
VI.C.1. Reports
VI.C.2. Discussion Items
VI.C.3. Action Items
VI.D. Curriculum and Instruction
VI.D.1. Reports
VI.D.2. Discussion Items
VI.D.3. Action Items
VI.E. Operation/Maintenance Items
VI.E.1. Reports
VI.E.2. Discussion Items
VI.E.2.a. Arch Environmental Contract Award Request for Bid No 24.01 Asbestos Abatement BDS Environmental Herrington Elementary School - Presenters Dr. Kimberly Leverette and Marvin Beasley
VI.E.2.b. Herrington Elementary Schools - Infrastructure Upgrades Bulletin #1 Interior - Presenters Dr. Kimberly Leverette and Marvin Beasley
VI.E.3. Action Items
VI.E.3.a. Approval of the Arch Environmental Contract Award Request for Bid No 24.01 Asbestos Abatement BDS Environmental Herrington Elementary School
VI.E.3.b. Approval of Herrington Elementary Schools - Infrastructure Upgrades Bulletin #1 Interior
VII. Communications, Petitions, and Delegations
VIII. Board Comments and Announcements
IX. Adjournment