February 27, 2014 at 10:00 AM - Study Session/Board Governance
Agenda |
I. Opening of the Meeting
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Approval of Agenda
II. Communications, Petitions and Delegations
III. Superintendent Report and Presentations
IV. Discussion/Action Items
IV.A. Superintendent Items
IV.A.1. No Items
IV.B. Curriculum and Instruction Items
IV.B.1. No Items
IV.C. Human Resource Items
IV.C.1. No Items
IV.D. Finance Items
IV.D.1. No Items
IV.E. Operation/Maintenance Items
IV.E.1. No Items
IV.F. Board Items
IV.F.1. Fundraiser
IV.F.2. Adopt A School
IV.F.3. Community/Citizen Advisory Committee
IV.F.4. Attendance at Meetings
V. No Items
VI. Board Comments and Announcements
VII. Adjournment
VIII. No Items
IX. No Items