February 17, 2014 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Opening of the Meeting
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Approval of Agenda
II. Consent Agenda
II.A. Personnel Action Items
II.B. Expulsion Hearing Recommendations
III. Communications, Petitions and Delegations
IV. Discussion/Action Items
IV.A. Superintendent Items
IV.A.1. Recognition of Rogers Elementary Students/Teachers/Employees/Partner/Parents
IV.A.2. Parent Liaison Update F.Y.I.
IV.B. Finance Items
IV.B.1. Cash Flow Update - F.Y.I.
IV.B.2. Check Register - F.Y.I.
IV.B.3. Actual Reports for all Funds - F.Y. I.
IV.B.4. Expenditures for Insurance Claims - F.Y.I.
IV.C. Human Resource/General Counsel Items
IV.C.1. Discussion/Action: Approval of Superintendent Contract
IV.C.2. Discussion/Action: Approval of Resolution for Emergency Loan Application
IV.D. Curriculum and Instruction Items
IV.D.1. Blended Learning Project Update for PMS & PHS - F.Y.I.
IV.E. Operation/Maintenance Items
IV.E.1. WHRC Update
IV.F. Board Items
IV.F.1. No Items
V. Board Comments and Announcements
VI. Adjournment
VII. No Items